Logic on the recursion return [closed]


Hello folks I am studying binary search tree and recursion is very used in this kind of data.

I have a question, for example, I did the following function to search for an element in the tree:

int busca_Abb(Abb* r, int busca)
    if(r == NULL) 
       return 0;
    if(r->chave == busca) 
       return 1;
    if(r->chave > busca)
        busca_Abb(r->esq, busca); 

But how is it possible if the function when called inside itself does not have any integer variable getting the value returned?

Complete code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define COUNT 15

typedef struct _abb Abb;
struct _abb{
    int chave;
    Abb* esq;
    Abb* dir;

Abb* criar_Abb(void)
    return NULL;

Abb* criarNo(int chave)
    Abb* novo = (Abb* ) malloc(sizeof(Abb));
    return novo;

Abb* insere_Abb(Abb* r, int chave)
    if(r == NULL)
      return criarNo(chave);
    else if(r->chave > chave)
      r->esq = insere_Abb(r->esq, chave);
    else if(r->chave < chave)
      r->dir = insere_Abb(r->dir, chave);

    return r;

void print2DUtil(Abb *root, int space)
    int i;
    if (root == NULL)
    space += COUNT;
    print2DUtil(root->dir, space);
    for (i = COUNT; i < space; i++)
        printf(" ");
    printf("%d\n", root->chave);
    print2DUtil(root->esq, space);

int busca_Abb(Abb* r, int busca)
    if(r == NULL) 
       return 0;
    if(r->chave == busca) 
       return 1;
    if(r->chave > busca)
        busca_Abb(r->esq, busca); 

int main(void)
    Abb* r;
    r = criar_Abb();
    int bus;

    r = insere_Abb(r, 23);
    r = insere_Abb(r, 12);
    r = insere_Abb(r, 15);
    r = insere_Abb(r, 25);
    r = insere_Abb(r, 8);

     printf("Arvore criada...\n");
     print2DUtil(r, 0);

     // procurar 25
    bus = busca_Abb(r, 25);
       printf("Achou o %d!!\n",25);
       printf("Nao achou o %d!!\n",25);

    //procurar 403
    bus = busca_Abb(r, 403);
       printf("Achou o %d!!\n", 403);
       printf("Nao achou o %d!!\n", 403);

    return 0;
asked by anonymous 01.09.2018 / 04:51

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