I noticed that WhatsApp Web, when forwarding a message via link, for example with the link below, it will cut the character =
The same does NOT occur when sharing is done by the mobile, where I use href="whatsapp: // send? text = value = $ 199.90 - Access the link: www.blabla.bla". >
Here is the code I use:
$(function() {
$(".clickWhatsAppChat").click(function() {
var PhoneNumber = "(11) 0000-00000";
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.replace("+", "");
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.replace(".", "");
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.replace(" ", "");
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.replace("-", "");
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.replace("(", "");
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.replace(")", "");
if ($(window).width() < 768) {
var confirma = confirm("Se você tiver o WhatsApp instalado, iniciará uma conversa com " + PhoneNumber + ".");
if (confirma == true) {
window.location.href = "https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=55" + PhoneNumber + "&text=valor=R$199,90";
} else {
var confirma = confirm("Faça o login no WhatsApp Web e AGUARDE ALGUNS SEGUNDOS até que a coversa com " + PhoneNumber + " se inicie.");
if (confirma == true) {
window.open("https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=55" + PhoneNumber + "&text=valor=R$199,90", "_blank");
Has anyone ever had the same difficulty? If yes, how to solve?