I was going to need to use the Threads
(or something that does not crash the program while the code does not finish) in this code, but it always gives a different error, so I need your help.
I was starting the action with a button.
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim var2 As String = "C:\...\Pasta de Video"
End Sub
That executes this Sub that filters some data.
Private Sub Esc(ByVal CaminhoPastaVideos As String)
Dim gp As New ListViewGroup(CaminhoPastaVideos) With {
.Name = CaminhoPastaVideos
If FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(CaminhoPastaVideos, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv").Count > 0 Then 'Pega os videos soltos na pasta.
For Each video In FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(CaminhoPastaVideos, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv")
ColocarPastasDestroDoListView(video, gp)
End If
If FileIO.FileSystem.GetDirectories(CaminhoPastaVideos, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly).Count > 0 Then 'Verifica se tem pastas na pasta passada na Sub.
For Each pastas In FileIO.FileSystem.GetDirectories(CaminhoPastaVideos, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly)
If FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(pastas, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv").Count = 1 Then 'Se tiver menos que 2 videos joga no grupo anterior.
For Each video In FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(pastas, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv")
ColocarPastasDestroDoListView(video, gp)
ElseIf FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(pastas, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv").Count > 1 Then
If FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(pastas, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv").Count >= 1 Then 'Se tiver mais que 1 videos cria um novo grupo e joga os videos nele.
Dim gpi As New ListViewGroup(CaminhoPastaVideos) With {
.Name = pastas
For Each video In FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles(pastas, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.wmv", "*.mkv")
ColocarPastasDestroDoListView(video, gpi)
ElseIf FileIO.FileSystem.GetDirectories(pastas, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly).Count > 0 Then 'Se tiver menos que 2 videos repete o processo.
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
And finally it runs this code that adds the images in itens
of listView
Private Sub ColocarPastasDestroDoListView(ByVal Caminho As String, gp As ListViewGroup)
Dim caminho_saida As String = "C:\Users\...\source\repos\ApenasPronto\ApenasPronto\Thumb\"
Dim caminho_thumb As String
Dim name_arquivos As String
Dim formato_imagem As String = ".png"
Dim xx As Image
name_arquivos = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Caminho)
caminho_thumb = caminho_saida + name_arquivos + formato_imagem
Using str As Stream = File.OpenRead(caminho_thumb)
xx = Image.FromStream(str)
End Using
ListView1.LargeImageList = thumbnail
Dim lvi As New ListViewItem
lvi = New ListViewItem With {
.Text = name_arquivos,
.ImageIndex = cont,
.Group = gp
cont += 1
End Sub
Some of the errors I had were in the lines: ListView1.Groups.Add(gpi)
and ListView1.LargeImageList = thumbnail
. Besides not being able to do this Dim td As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Esc("C:\...\videos"))
because AddressOf
does not allow ("C:\...\videos")
so how do I solve this?
I've been doing this for a while, so if you can help me solve this, thank you very much.