Select in Millions of SQL Server Records


Good morning,

I have a database with more than 11 million records, when I do a select on top of the two tables to bring the records to the query takes a lot, I would like to know how I could improve these performance ...

Currently with this select it brings almost 11 million records in 1: 04s but I need to leave still faster.

SELECT 'SMS'                    as Tipo
      ,convert(date, dataenvio) as Data
      ,descCampanha             as Campanha
      ,1                        as Qtd
  from      tblMensagem t1 with(nolock) 
 inner join tblCampanha t2 with(nolock) on t1.codCampanha = t2.codCampanha
asked by anonymous 28.09.2018 / 15:56

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