Query on table name by Reflection


I'm trying to make a query in the table, that its name will come by method scope, but it does not allow me to use Select(); or Where();

System.Type referenceTableType = 
System.Type.GetType("MeuProjeto.Model." + typeRequest.ReferenceTable);
object TabelaPraConsulta = Activator.CreateInstance(referenceTableType); 
var x= Database.Set(TabelaPraConsulta).Select(qw => qw.id = id); // isso nao é possivel

I'm not really sure how to do this, I've never used reflection .

Then I would like to be able to query the name of the table that comes in typeRequest.ReferenceTable but I do not know how

asked by anonymous 17.09.2018 / 14:27

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