I'm creating an image gallery page with a database, and clicking an image is redirected to the page profile.php
with the image data as if it were a profile.
I want to make my URL more beautiful, it is currently appearing like this:
I would like to leave this:
I'm going to post the structure and part of the code to better understand, it's hard for me to find a solution. The file structure looks like this:
- MySite
- css
- style.css
- js
- script.js
- pages
- home
- profile
- cPanel
- pages
- uploads
- .htaccess
- config.php
- index.php
- css
no config.php:
define('INCLUDE_PATH', 'http://localhost/meuSite/');
define('INCLUDE_PATH_PAINEL',INCLUDE_PATH.'painel/');//usei esses
INCLUDE_PATH pra nao precisar configurar muito ao passar para o servidor.
//conexao banco de dados
index.php: (I will not put all HTML tags to not take up too much space)
$url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : 'home';
echo 'essa página não existe!';
no htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
Options -Indexes
in home.php:
//conexão do banco
//MySql::banco() = função para conectar no meu banco de dados.
$bd = MySql::Banco()->prepare("SELECT * FROM 'nome_tabela'");
$imagens = $bd->fetchAll();
foreach($imagens as $key => $value){
$slug = $value['slug'];
<a href="<?php echo INCLUDE_PATH; ?>profile?slug=<?php echo $slug?>"></a>
<?php }?>
in page profile.php:
$slug = $_GET['slug'];
if($slug == $slug){
$bd = MySql::Banco()->prepare("SELECT * FROM 'nome_tabela ' WHERE slug =
$imagens = $bd->fetchAll();
foreach ($imagens as $key => $value) {
<h1><?php echo $value['nome_img'];</h1>
<img scr="<?php INCLUDE_PATH;?>uploads/<?php echo $value['imagem'];?>"
<?php } ?>