I'm making a program for the Raspberry Pi that reads temperature sensors and stores those readings in a buffer. I need to make a dynamic graph that shows the current temperature / time relationship. I tried doing this using the matplotlib library, but I can not update this chart.
In the code below, when I use the append method I am adding the values obtained in the temperature reading.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
temperatura = [10, 20, 30 ,40 , 50 ,60 , 70, 80]
tempo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
plt.plot(tempo, temperatura )
plt.ylabel('Temperatura (C°)')
plt.xlabel('Tempo (S)')
plt.plot(tempo, temperatura )
When you run the program, the graph with the initial values is displayed, but only when you close the graph does the other graph open with the updated values!