Form control required depending on the selection of another form control angle


I have the following mat-checkbox:

<mat-checkbox formControlName="formControlIdentificador" color="primary" class="correcaoClasseCheck" labelPosition="before"></mat-checkbox>

<input formControlName="formControlNomeIdentificador" matInput placeholder="Qual era o nome no identificador?">

The second input (formControlNameName) should be required if the checkbox is selected. How can I do this?

This is my form builder:

    this.secondFormGroup ={

    formControlIdentificador: new FormControl('', [

    formControlNomeIdentificador: new FormControl('', [

asked by anonymous 12.11.2018 / 22:29

1 answer


I would try one of two ways: first

<input formControlName="formControlNomeIdentificador" matInput placeholder="Qual era o nome no identificador?" [required]="secondFormGroup.get('formControlIdentificador').value">


<input formControlName="formControlNomeIdentificador" matInput placeholder="Qual era o nome no identificador?" [required]="!secondFormGroup.valid">
16.11.2018 / 23:51