ESC Function in Android Studio


A customer uses their own application in a data collector with Android 5.0+ system. The data collector is like a very robust smartphone used by companies, and in this case it has a physical keyboard full of buttons, like the old cell phones.

This client, at some point, needs to press the ESC key within your application. But it does not use the virtual keyboard and the device does not have this physical key.

What to do then?

I thought of two weird things, and I do not even know where to start them, and I would like suggestions or directions.

1 - This device has function keys, which are physical buttons that allow you to assign an APP to them. For example, you can assign Chrome to a button, and when you click it, Chrome opens. So I thought of something like an invisible app. In this app, his only function would be to command the ESC key. Then I would associate it with the physical button. Also, it could not open, obviously, because it would not take the place of the client application. He would have to, I do not know how, open in the background, send the ESC command, and close then. Visually, the user would not notice anything.

2 - Somehow map the device buttons and assign the ESC command to a button.

Honestly, I have no idea where to start. I know it's unusual and maybe a bit controversial. But would you really like some light, or flashlight, from you.

Thank you.


asked by anonymous 27.09.2018 / 00:51

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