How can I display a list of values in a register by applying filters to numeric values?


I have to show all fields with filter in numeric field, I have to choose which numeric field, set lower limit and higher eg: show all parts with price> = 45.50 and price

asked by anonymous 20.09.2018 / 15:40

2 answers


1) When you compare i , you are comparing the index of the list, not the values. To compare the values, use lista[i] ;

2) Your function has a print(lista) within for , ie for each iteration of for, it will print something;

3) if i == filtro1 and i == filtro2: this line did not make any sense;

4) if i >= filtro1 or i <= filtro2: here is not or , it is and , in addition to being lista[i] , not i ;

5) I recommend using list comprehension.

Fixing your function:

def mostrarCadastro2(lista, filtro1, filtro2):
    lista_filtrada = []
    for i in range(len(lista)):
        if lista[i] >= filtro1 and lista[i] <= filtro2:
    return lista_filtrada #ou print(lista_filtrada)

Other ways to do:

def mostrarCadastro2(lista, filtro1, filtro2):
    return list(filter(lambda x: x >= filtro1 and x <= filtro2 , lista))

#Ou ainda

def mostrarCadastro2(lista, filtro1, filtro2):
    return [ num for num in lista if (num >= filtro1 and num <= filtro2) ]
20.09.2018 / 16:39

In case I have a list of list as follows:

cadastroPeca = [] item = []

fieldChoose = input ("Choose the field you left searching by typing by number:")

  if campoEscolhido != "1" and campoEscolhido != "2" and campoEscolhido != "3":
    print("\nOpção digitada não existe na lista acima! Por favor, escolha uma das opções abaixo.\n")

    campoEscolhido1 = int(campoEscolhido)

    if campoEscolhido1 == 1:
      print("Opção selecionada: ", campoEscolhido1)
      filtroMenor = int(input("Informe o menor valor do item de pesquisa: "))
      filtroMaior = int(input("Informe o maior valor do item de pesquisa: "))

mostrarCadastro2(cadastroPeca, filtroMenor, filtroMaior)

Introducing this error: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "python", line 120, in   File "python", line 27, in showCadastro2 TypeError: '> =' not supported between instances of 'list' and 'int'

21.09.2018 / 20:44