I have several files in css, I am in doubt if I rewrite it in sass to be able to give a better maintenance in the future or not, is it really advantageous?
I have several files in css, I am in doubt if I rewrite it in sass to be able to give a better maintenance in the future or not, is it really advantageous?
It's a bit relative and it will generate a lot of contradictory opinions, because one of the positive things about SASS
is that you do not need to convert CSS
, since SASS
is an extension of% with%. On the other hand, CSS
, gives you different things.
Here are some benefits in using SASS
- Compatible with CSS:
If you have a basis of SASS
, perceiving and developing CSS
will be peaceful. SASS has two different syntaxes, SASS
itself and SASS
, which is the most used. The SCSS
syntax is compatible with SCSS
, which means that if you rename the .css file in .scss, you will have the file in SCSS without any problem.
- Variable Usage :
One of the great benefits of using CSS
is the ability to use variables. For example:
$blue: #004BB4;
After creating the variable, you can use it wherever you want:
h1 {
color: $blue;
- Nested Syntax :
In other words, you can "nest" elements SASS
using selectors HTML
. For example:
.navbar {
color: $blue;
- Use of Mixins :
Using Mixins comes into play when you have blocks of code repeated. For example:
@mixin set-font( $family: 'Ubuntu' , $weight: 400 , $style: normal ) {
font-family: $family , 'Arial', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
font-style: $style;
font-weight: $weight;
Once you have set Mixin , you can use it anywhere you want, using @include :
h1 {
@include set-font;
color: $blue;
If you need to upgrade to Mixin , simply pass the parameters inside the @include call.
h1.callout {
@include set-font('Nunito',600);
color: $azul;
- Larger community and good documentation:
One of the great advantages is undoubtedly the Official Documentation and Communities .
In short, there are many more benefits in using CSS
preprocessors like CSS
, because they are always a plus as they extend the core features of SASS
, providing a set of powerful features that productivity. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, SASS allows you to make use of inheritance , functions , control policies and such as CSS
, if ()
or for ()
, data types , tween , etc.
If you are looking to do the refactoring of while ()
in CSS
well structured, just use some conversion tools, such as here .