How to make a button filter results in a datatable?


I have little knowledge of javascript and datatables. I made several unsuccessful attempts to include a button with filter function in a datatable similar to the site: link

I have the following datatable on my site (image below). Being that I include two buttons as the datatable's own website recommends (


<html><head><linkrel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">            

<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script><scripttype="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#example3').DataTable( {
        dom: 'Bfrtip',
        buttons: [
                text: 'Button 1',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                    alert( 'Button 1 clicked on' );
                text: 'Button 4',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                    alert( 'Button 4 clicked on' );
                        responsive: true
    } );

    table.buttons( 1, null ).container().appendTo(
} );

    <table id="example3" class="display nowrap" style="width:100%">
                <th>Start date</th>
                <td>Cedric Kelly</td>
                <td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
                <td>Airi Satou</td>
                <td>Brielle Williamson</td>
                <td>Integration Specialist</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Herrod Chandler</td>
                <td>Sales Assistant</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Rhona Davidson</td>
                <td>Integration Specialist</td>
                <td>Colleen Hurst</td>
                <td>Javascript Developer</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Sonya Frost</td>
                <td>Software Engineer</td>
                <td>Jena Gaines</td>
                <td>Office Manager</td>
                <td>Quinn Flynn</td>
                <td>Support Lead</td>
                <td>Charde Marshall</td>
                <td>Regional Director</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Haley Kennedy</td>
                <td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
                <td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
                <td>Regional Director</td>
                <td>Michael Silva</td>
                <td>Marketing Designer</td>
                <td>Paul Byrd</td>
                <td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Gloria Little</td>
                <td>Systems Administrator</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Bradley Greer</td>
                <td>Software Engineer</td>
                <td>Dai Rios</td>
                <td>Personnel Lead</td>
                <td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
                <td>Development Lead</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Yuri Berry</td>
                <td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Caesar Vance</td>
                <td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
                <td>New York</td>

                <th>Start date</th>


I would like the 2 buttons to filter records from a value that I leave specified, for example: "London".

asked by anonymous 20.12.2018 / 18:25

2 answers


A simple example is to insert in the function of action a text to be searched in a column:

.columns( 2 )
.search(  "Designer" )

In the above case, clicking the button will only filter the lines containing the "Designer" text in the third column (columns start with 0 = 1st column, 1 = 2nd column etc.) )

Change the name of the button for the text to be filtered:

text: 'Designer',

And how to insert the buttons for prependTo instead of appendTo so that the buttons are positioned before the table and without the parameters 1, null in .buttons() :

  $('#example3_wrapper'), table.table().container()


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">            

<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script><scripttype="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#example3').DataTable( {
        dom: 'Bfrtip',
        buttons: [
                text: 'Designer',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                  .columns( 2 )
                  .search(  "Designer" )
                text: 'Button 4',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                    alert( 'Button 4 clicked on' );
                        responsive: true
    } );

     $('#example3_wrapper'), table.table().container()
} );

    <table id="example3" class="display nowrap" style="width:100%">
                <th>Start date</th>
                <td>Cedric Kelly</td>
                <td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
                <td>Airi Satou</td>
                <td>Brielle Williamson</td>
                <td>Integration Specialist</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Herrod Chandler</td>
                <td>Sales Assistant</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Rhona Davidson</td>
                <td>Integration Specialist</td>
                <td>Colleen Hurst</td>
                <td>Javascript Developer</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Sonya Frost</td>
                <td>Software Engineer</td>
                <td>Jena Gaines</td>
                <td>Office Manager</td>
                <td>Quinn Flynn</td>
                <td>Support Lead</td>
                <td>Charde Marshall</td>
                <td>Regional Director</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Haley Kennedy</td>
                <td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
                <td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
                <td>Regional Director</td>
                <td>Michael Silva</td>
                <td>Marketing Designer</td>
                <td>Paul Byrd</td>
                <td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Gloria Little</td>
                <td>Systems Administrator</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Bradley Greer</td>
                <td>Software Engineer</td>
                <td>Dai Rios</td>
                <td>Personnel Lead</td>
                <td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
                <td>Development Lead</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Yuri Berry</td>
                <td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Caesar Vance</td>
                <td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
                <td>New York</td>

                <th>Start date</th>

20.12.2018 / 19:22

Follow the example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#example3').DataTable( {
        dom: 'Bfrtip',
        buttons: [
                text: 'Todos',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                        .search('') //TODOS OS REGISTROS
                text: 'London',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                        .columns(3) //COLUNA PARA FILTRAR
                        .search('London') //PALAVRA PARA FILTRAR
                text: 'New York',
                action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                        .search('New York')
                        responsive: true
    } );

    //table.buttons( 1, null ).container().appendTo(
   //     table.table().container()
} );
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">            

<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script></head><body><tableid="example3" class="display nowrap" style="width:100%">
                <th>Start date</th>
                <td>Cedric Kelly</td>
                <td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
                <td>Airi Satou</td>
                <td>Brielle Williamson</td>
                <td>Integration Specialist</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Herrod Chandler</td>
                <td>Sales Assistant</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Rhona Davidson</td>
                <td>Integration Specialist</td>
                <td>Colleen Hurst</td>
                <td>Javascript Developer</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Sonya Frost</td>
                <td>Software Engineer</td>
                <td>Jena Gaines</td>
                <td>Office Manager</td>
                <td>Quinn Flynn</td>
                <td>Support Lead</td>
                <td>Charde Marshall</td>
                <td>Regional Director</td>
                <td>San Francisco</td>
                <td>Haley Kennedy</td>
                <td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
                <td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
                <td>Regional Director</td>
                <td>Michael Silva</td>
                <td>Marketing Designer</td>
                <td>Paul Byrd</td>
                <td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Gloria Little</td>
                <td>Systems Administrator</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Bradley Greer</td>
                <td>Software Engineer</td>
                <td>Dai Rios</td>
                <td>Personnel Lead</td>
                <td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
                <td>Development Lead</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Yuri Berry</td>
                <td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
                <td>New York</td>
                <td>Caesar Vance</td>
                <td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
                <td>New York</td>

                <th>Start date</th>

20.12.2018 / 19:36