Error trying to login with facebook and google native (IONIC3)


I'm having some difficulties implementing the native google and facebook login in an ionic3 application. The issues I get are the following in my console:

main.js:71 16
main.js:84 {errorMessage: "Facebook error: SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 
[message]: Erro ao realizar consulta. [extra]: null"}
2main.js:71 16

My functions are as follows:

signInWithGoogle() {
  .then(() => {
    this.toastCtrl.create({ duration: 3000, position: 'bottom', message: 
'Voce logou com o Google, Parabéns!' })
  .catch((error) => {
    this.toastCtrl.create({ duration: 3000, position: 'bottom', message: 
'Erro ao efetuar o login' })

signInWithFacebook() {
  .then(() => {
    this.toastCtrl.create({ duration: 3000, position: 'bottom', message: 
 'Voce logou com o Facebook, Parabéns!' })
  .catch((error) => {
    this.toastCtrl.create({ duration: 3000, position: 'bottom', message: 
 'Erro ao efetuar o login' })

my authentication service:

signInWithGoogle() {
return this.googlePlus.login({
  'webClientId': '427145463587',
  'offline': true
  .then(res => {
    return this.angularFireAuth.auth.signInWithCredential
      .then((user: firebase.User) => {
        // atualizando o profile do usuario
        return user.updateProfile({ displayName: res.displayName, photoURL: 
res.imageUrl });

signInWithFacebook() {
return this.facebook.login(['public_profile', 'email'])
  .then((res: FacebookLoginResponse) => {
    //Ao logar com o facebook o profile do usuario é automaticamente 
    return this.angularFireAuth.auth.signInWithCredential
asked by anonymous 05.10.2018 / 14:08

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