GIT, showing the branches on the bitbucket tree


Hello! I've been searching for days and found no information that helps me.

My problem is with displaying the tree of commits and branchs on bitbucket.

I create a branch from the master git checkout -b develop I am doing the commits and then I go back to the master and merge the develop.

I would like you to have a chart like the example below:

* merged from develop
| * - commit 5
| * - commit 4
| * - commit 3
| * - commit 2
| * - commit 1
* branch master



At first I can only do as I like the pull request from bitbucket itself, but I would like to do it by command line in git-bash.

Thank you in advance!

asked by anonymous 28.06.2016 / 09:07

3 answers


Through some links here in English I found one question in which I discovered the name of the git function I was looking for, if it is called "FAST-FORWARD" I left it as default disabled in git git config --global merge.ff false

Thanks for everyone's cooperation

28.06.2016 / 23:46

Just do the merge without fast-foward . You can do this with the following command: git merge develop --no-ff . the --no-ff guarantees that when doing the merge, a new commit will be generated.

If you want to view the tree on the command line, just as you see it on Bitbucket, just run this command:

git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate
  • --graph shows in graph form
  • --all indicates that all branch s will be shown
  • --oneline defines that only the first line of the commit will be shown and the abbreviated commit hash
  • --decorate ensures branch s names will appear

Finally, you can still create a alias to facilitate future command typing with git config --global alias.graph "log --graph --all --oneline --decorate" and then only run alias with git graph .

The result of the command is more or less what appears in the image below:

30.06.2016 / 04:49

That's how you work.

In case, when you work in the same branch (master), it follows a current line.

To work in parallel, you have to create a new branch from the master.


seupport (master): git checkout -bPRO-01-nome-branch-mudanca .

And then start working on the ticket. Then, finish it, commit the changes:


yourproject (PRO-01-branch-name-change): git commit -am"PRO-01 mudanças feitas xyz #resolve" .

Then send the branch to bitbucket:


Yourproject (PRO-01-branch-name-change): git push origin PRO-01-nome-branch-mudanca

Next, checkout the master, staging or deploy (depends on how it works):


Yourproject (PRO-01-branch-name-change): git checkout master

Bring your updates to others:


seuproject (master): git pull origin master

Merge the changes with the master:


seuproject (master): git merge PRO-01-nome-branch-mudanca

Resolve conflicts (if hover):


git diff [branch_1]:file-exemplo [branch_2]:file-exemplo

After resolving the conflicts (if any) commit the resolution.


seuproject (master): git commit -am"PRO-01 conflitos resolvidos"

And finally, push the master:


seuproject (master): git push origin master

PS: See if on bitbucket, you are listing all commits in the filter:


28.06.2016 / 22:29