Stand-alone Python software (.exe file) for non-python machines with GUI and TkInter


I am developing software using Python 3.6.5 and need to run it on machines that do not have python installed. It contains some libraries for machine learning and access and excel to MS. I've seen some solutions on the internet to convert it to an .exe file, but it seems the GUI I'm using (TkInter) does not support this. Is there another way to do this using TKinter or maybe I should consider another framework GUI? Thank you.

asked by anonymous 08.11.2018 / 08:33

1 answer


Pyinstaller link

cx_Freeze link

py2exe link

Some tools for creating file executables with a .py extension. The pyinstaller supports the Tkinter GUI, I already did a programinha with it, the others I did not test the more I believe they support.

Take a look here too Create an executable "* .exe "in python?

16.11.2018 / 03:03