How do I pass parameters in VB6?
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim cnpj As String
cnpj = "tal"
Dim chaveCliente As String
chaveCliente = "tal"
Dim chaveAcesso As String
chaveAcesso = "tal"
Dim status As String
status = ""
Dim protocolo As String
protocolo = ""
Dim motivoRejeicao As String
motivoRejeicao = ""
Dim objFuncao As Funcao
Set objFuncao = New Funcao
objFuncao.Consultar(ByVal cnpj As String)
Since Funcao
was added as a reference to a COM created in .NET.
It is giving syntax error, but everywhere I looked for the syntax of sending parameters is the one that is in the code.
Are there any other alternatives or am I doing wrong?