How do I get the images in place that the mouse pointer is in?


I need to maintain a system that was originally developed at and I'm moving on to .

The system uses the api of inDesign CS2, whose documentation is very bad.

Part of the program is to drag some images from a list and place them in the open inDesign file. For this I am using place and it is working. But I need to make the images appear exactly where the mouse pointer is. And I'm only able to make it appear at a specific point I pass.

Today it looks like this:

Dim myWindow = myDesign.ActiveWindow
Dim mySpread As InDesign.Spread = myWindow.activeSpread

Dim posFrame() As Integer = {0, 0}
Dim myImage As InDesign.PDF = mySpread.Place(nome, posFrame)

That is, I'm taking the active spread , and placing the image on the 0,0 point. I need it to appear at the mouse location, regardless of where the mouse is.

asked by anonymous 20.02.2014 / 12:27

1 answer


I think this helps you (line 250):


20.02.2014 / 12:48