how to center the TabbedPane tabs?


I've been researching, but I have not found it. I would like to know how to center tabs on a TabbedPane. They always start from the left, but since they are just two tabs, you want them to be centered.

Illustrative example:


        tabbedPane.addTab("Página 1", painel1());
        tabbedPane.addTab("Página 2", painel2());
        tabbedPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 300));
        add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        setSize(600, 500);
        setMinimumSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), getHeight()));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Tela1 tela  = new Tela1();

    public JComponent painel1() {
        JPanel painel1 = new JPanel();       
        JLabel label1;     
        label1 = new JLabel("Página 1");
        return painel1; // retorna painel.

    public JComponent painel2() {
        JPanel painel2 = new JPanel();       
        JLabel label2;
        label2 = new JLabel("Página 2");
        return painel2;
asked by anonymous 03.12.2016 / 19:40

1 answer


I got this way:

1st - Create this class

    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI;
    import java.awt.*;

    public class CenterTabbedPane extends BasicTabbedPaneUI {

        protected LayoutManager createLayoutManager() {
            return new TabbedPaneLayout();

        class TabbedPaneLayout extends BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout {

            private Insets getVisualMargin() {
                Insets margin = new Insets(3, 0, 3, 0);
                return add(-3, -3, -4, -3, margin);

            protected void calculateTabRects(int tabPlacement, int tabCount) {
                Dimension size = tabPane.getSize();
                Insets insets = add(tabPane.getInsets(), getVisualMargin());
                Insets tabAreaInsets = getTabAreaInsets(tabPlacement);
                FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics();
                int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();
                int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();
                int tabRunOverlay;
                int i, j;
                int x, y;
                int returnAt;
                boolean verticalTabRuns = (tabPlacement == LEFT || tabPlacement == RIGHT);

                // Calculate bounds within which a tab run must fit
                switch (tabPlacement) {
                    case LEFT:
                        maxTabWidth = calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);
                        x = insets.left + tabAreaInsets.left;
                        y = +;
                        returnAt = size.height - (insets.bottom + tabAreaInsets.bottom);
                    case RIGHT:
                        maxTabWidth = calculateMaxTabWidth(tabPlacement);
                        x = size.width - insets.right - tabAreaInsets.right - maxTabWidth;
                        y = +;
                        returnAt = size.height - (insets.bottom + tabAreaInsets.bottom);
                    case BOTTOM:
                        maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);
                        x = insets.left + tabAreaInsets.left;
                        y = size.height - insets.bottom - tabAreaInsets.bottom - maxTabHeight;
                        returnAt = size.width - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);
                    case TOP:
                        maxTabHeight = calculateMaxTabHeight(tabPlacement);
                        x = insets.left + tabAreaInsets.left;
                        y = +;
                        returnAt = size.width - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);

                tabRunOverlay = getTabRunOverlay(tabPlacement);

                runCount = 0;
                selectedRun = -1;

                if (tabCount == 0) {

                // Run through tabs and partition them into runs
                Rectangle rect;
                for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                    rect = rects[i];

                    if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                        // Tabs on TOP or BOTTOM....
                        if (i > 0) {
                            rect.x = rects[i - 1].x + rects[i - 1].width;
                        } else {
                            tabRuns[0] = 0;
                            runCount = 1;
                            maxTabWidth = 0;
                            rect.x = x;
                        rect.width = calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, i, metrics);
                        maxTabWidth = Math.max(maxTabWidth, rect.width);

                        // Never move a TAB down a run if it is in the first column.
                        // Even if there isn't enough room, moving it to a fresh
                        // line won't help.
                        if (rect.x != 2 + insets.left && rect.x + rect.width > returnAt) {
                            if (runCount > tabRuns.length - 1) {
                            tabRuns[runCount] = i;
                            rect.x = x;
                        // Initialize y position in case there's just one run
                        rect.y = y;
                        rect.height = maxTabHeight/* - 2*/;

                    } else {
                        // Tabs on LEFT or RIGHT...
                        if (i > 0) {
                            rect.y = rects[i - 1].y + rects[i - 1].height;
                        } else {
                            tabRuns[0] = 0;
                            runCount = 1;
                            maxTabHeight = 0;
                            rect.y = y;
                        rect.height = calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i, fontHeight);
                        maxTabHeight = Math.max(maxTabHeight, rect.height);

                        // Never move a TAB over a run if it is in the first run.
                        // Even if there isn't enough room, moving it to a fresh
                        // column won't help.
                        if (rect.y != 2 + && rect.y + rect.height > returnAt) {
                            if (runCount > tabRuns.length - 1) {
                            tabRuns[runCount] = i;
                            rect.y = y;
                        // Initialize x position in case there's just one column
                        rect.x = x;
                        rect.width = maxTabWidth/* - 2*/;

                    if (i == selectedIndex) {
                        selectedRun = runCount - 1;

                if (runCount > 1) {
                    // Re-distribute tabs in case last run has leftover space
                    normalizeTabRuns(tabPlacement, tabCount, verticalTabRuns ? y : x, returnAt);

                    selectedRun = getRunForTab(tabCount, selectedIndex);

                    // Rotate run array so that selected run is first
                    if (shouldRotateTabRuns(tabPlacement)) {
                        rotateTabRuns(tabPlacement, selectedRun);

                // Determine how much we want to pad the tabs
                int maxPad = 0;
                for (i = runCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                int start = tabRuns[i];
                int next = tabRuns[i == (runCount - 1)? 0 : i + 1];
                int end = (next != 0? next - 1 : tabCount - 1);

                maxPad = Math.max(maxPad, rects[end].x + rects[end].width - rects[start].x);
                switch (tabPlacement) {
                    case LEFT:
                    case RIGHT:
                        maxPad = size.height - - tabAreaInsets.bottom;
                    case BOTTOM:
                    case TOP:
                        maxPad = size.width - tabAreaInsets.left - tabAreaInsets.right;

                // Step through runs from back to front to calculate
                // tab y locations and to pad runs appropriately
                for (i = runCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    int start = tabRuns[i];
                    int next = tabRuns[i == (runCount - 1) ? 0 : i + 1];
                    int end = (next != 0 ? next - 1 : tabCount - 1);
                    if (!verticalTabRuns) {
                        for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                            rect = rects[j];
                            rect.y = y;
                            rect.x += getTabRunIndent(tabPlacement, i);
                        if (shouldPadTabRun(tabPlacement, i)) {
                            padTabRun(tabPlacement, start, end, maxPad);
                        if (tabPlacement == BOTTOM) {
                            y -= (maxTabHeight - tabRunOverlay);
                        } else {
                            y += (maxTabHeight - tabRunOverlay);
                    } else {
                        for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
                            rect = rects[j];
                            rect.x = x;
                            rect.y += getTabRunIndent(tabPlacement, i);
                        if (shouldPadTabRun(tabPlacement, i)) {
                            padTabRun(tabPlacement, start, end, maxPad);
                        if (tabPlacement == RIGHT) {
                            x -= (maxTabWidth - tabRunOverlay);
                        } else {
                            x += (maxTabWidth - tabRunOverlay);

                // Pad the selected tab so that it appears raised in front
                padSelectedTab(tabPlacement, selectedIndex);

                // if right to left and tab placement on the top or
                // the bottom, flip x positions and adjust by widths
                if (verticalTabRuns) {
                    int rightMargin = size.width - (insets.right + tabAreaInsets.right);
                    for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                        rects[i].x = rightMargin - rects[i].x - rects[i].width;

                switch (tabPlacement) {
                    case LEFT:
                    case RIGHT: {
                        int availableTabAreaHeight = size.height - - insets.bottom - - tabAreaInsets.bottom;
                        int usedTabAreaHeight = 0;
                        int pad = 0;
                        for (int run = 0; run < runCount; run++) {
                            int firstIndex = tabRuns[run];
                            int lastIndex = lastTabInRun(tabCount, run);
                            if (run == 0) {
                                usedTabAreaHeight = 0;
                                for (i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
                                    usedTabAreaHeight += rects[i].height;
                                pad = (availableTabAreaHeight - usedTabAreaHeight) / 2;
                            for (i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
                                rects[i].y += pad;
                    case BOTTOM:
                    case TOP:
                    default: {
                        int availableTabAreaWidth = size.width - insets.left - insets.right - tabAreaInsets.left - tabAreaInsets.right;
                        for (int run = 0; run < runCount; run++) {
                            int firstIndex = tabRuns[run];
                            int lastIndex = lastTabInRun(tabCount, run);
                            int usedTabAreaWidth = 0;
                            for (i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
                                usedTabAreaWidth += rects[i].width;
                            int pad = (availableTabAreaWidth - usedTabAreaWidth) / 2;
                            for (i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
                                rects[i].x += pad;



            private Insets add(Insets i1, Insets i2) {
                return new Insets(
                        i1.left + i2.left,
                        i1.bottom + i2.bottom,
                        i1.right + i2.right

            private Insets add(int top, int left, int bottom, int right, Insets i1) {
                return new Insets(
               + top,
                        i1.left + left,
                        i1.bottom + bottom,
                        i1.right + right



2nd - Add it to tabbedpane

tabbedPane.setUI(new CenterTabbedPane());

test class:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

public class Tela1 extends JFrame {
    JTabbedPane tabbedPane;

    public Tela1() {
        tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
        tabbedPane.addTab("Página 1", painel("painel 1"));
        tabbedPane.addTab("Página 2", painel("painel 2"));
        tabbedPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 300));
        tabbedPane.setUI(new CenterTabbedPane());
        add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        JButton adicionar = new JButton("adicionar");
        adicionar.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                int tab = tabbedPane.getTabCount() + 1;
                tabbedPane.addTab("Página " + tab, painel("painel " + tab));
        add(adicionar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        setSize(600, 500);
        setMinimumSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), getHeight()));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Tela1();

    public JComponent painel(String titulo) {
        JPanel painel = new JPanel();
        JLabel label;
        label = new JLabel(titulo);
        return painel; // retorna painel.

27.12.2016 / 12:30