Error while changing application template C #


I needed to change an application made some time ago in C # I added the column in the database that needed and when I add the corresponding field in the model, when running the application it no longer identifies me as a user. (The application uses windows authentication) And when entering any menu of the application, I get the following error:

The EntityContainer 'Context' mapping and metadata information no longer matches the information used to create the pre-generated views.

What do I need to do to get the application moving and adding the new fields I need? CodeFirst was used in creating the application.


When you run the Enable-Migration command, a folder named Migration with the following configuration was created in my application:

namespace GAWeb.WebApp.Migrations
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Linq;

internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration</* TODO: put your Code     First context type name here */DbContext>
    public Configuration()
        AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;


        protected override void Seed(/* TODO: put your Code First context type name here */ )



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DataIntegration.Model.Entities;

namespace DataIntegration.Model.Repositories
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
    IRepository<IAccount> Accounts { get; }
    IRepository<IBudget> Budgets { get; }
    IRepository<IEmployee> Employees { get; }
    IRepository<IInvoice> Invoices { get; }
    IRepository<IItem> Items { get; }
    IRepository<IRequest> Requests { get; }
    IRepository<IRequestHistory> RequestsHistory { get; }
    IRepository<IRequestItem> RequestItems { get; }
    IRepository<IResultCenter> ResultCenters { get; }
    IRepository<IUnit> Units { get; }
    void Save();
    void Dispose(bool disposing);

namespace GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.Repositories
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    private Context context = new Context();
    private GenericRepository<Employee> employees;
    private GenericRepository<Invoice> invoices;
    private GenericRepository<Voucher> items;
    private GenericRepository<Request> requests;
    private GenericRepository<RequestHistory> requestsHistory;
    private GenericRepository<RequestItem> requestItems;
    private GenericRepository<ResultCenter> resultCenters;
    private GenericRepository<Unit> units;

        public IRepository<Unit> Units
            if (units == null)
                units = new GenericRepository<Unit>(context);
            return units;

    IRepository<IEmployee> IUnitOfWork.Employees { get { return Employees as IRepository<IEmployee>; } }

    IRepository<IInvoice> IUnitOfWork.Invoices { get { return Invoices as IRepository<IInvoice>; } }

    IRepository<IItem> IUnitOfWork.Items { get { return Items as IRepository<IItem>; } }

    IRepository<IRequest> IUnitOfWork.Requests { get { return Requests as IRepository<IRequest>; } }

    IRepository<IRequestHistory> IUnitOfWork.RequestsHistory { get { return RequestsHistory as IRepository<IRequestHistory>; } }

    IRepository<IRequestItem> IUnitOfWork.RequestItems { get { return RequestItems as IRepository<IRequestItem>; } }

    IRepository<IResultCenter> IUnitOfWork.ResultCenters { get { return ResultCenters as IRepository<IResultCenter>; } }

    IRepository<IUnit> IUnitOfWork.Units { get { return Units as IRepository<IUnit>; } }

This is the Entitites I want to change:

using System;

namespace DataIntegration.Model.Entities
public interface IRequestItem : IEntity
    int Id { get; set; }

    DateTime? Date { get; set; }
    DateTime Data_Retorno { get; set; } // Esse é um campo que quero acrescentar a aplicação e ao banco
    int Quantity { get; set; }

    string Employee_Id { get; set; }
    IEmployee Employee { get; set; }
    string Unit_Id { get; set; }
    IUnit Unit { get; set; }
    string ResultCenter_Id { get; set; }
    IResultCenter ResultCenter { get; set; }
    int TaxiRequest_Id { get; set; }
    IRequest Request { get; set; }


Context class

public class Context : DbContext, IDisposable
    public Context()
        : base(DatabaseInfo.CONNECTION_STRING)
        Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;

    public bool Validate<T>(T entity) where T : class
        return ValidateEntity(Entry(entity), null).IsValid;

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

        //TABLE MAPS


    public DbSet<Invoice> Invoices { get; set; }

Generic Repository

namespace GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.Repositories
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class, IEntity
    private Context context;
    private DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;

    public GenericRepository(Context context)
        this.context = context;
        this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();

    public virtual bool IsValid(TEntity entity)
        return context.Validate(entity);

    public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(
         Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null,
         Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null,
        params string[] includeProperties)
        IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet;

        if (filter != null)
            query = query.Where(filter);

        foreach (var includeProperty in includeProperties)
            query = query.Include(includeProperty);

        if (orderBy != null)
            return orderBy(query).ToList();
            return query.ToList();

    public virtual TEntity GetByID(object id)
        return dbSet.Find(id);

    public virtual TEntity GetLoadedByID(object id)
        return dbSet.Local.Single(x => x.Id.Equals(id));

    public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)

    public virtual void Delete(object id)
        TEntity entityToDelete = dbSet.Find(id);

    public virtual void Delete(TEntity entityToDelete)
        if (context.Entry(entityToDelete).State == EntityState.Detached)

    public virtual void Update(TEntity entityToUpdate)
        context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;

    public void Clear()
        throw new NotImplementedException();



// <auto-generated>
//     O código foi gerado por uma ferramenta.
//     Versão de Tempo de Execução:4.0.30319.544
//     As alterações ao arquivo poderão causar comportamento incorreto e serão perdidas  se
//     o código for gerado novamente.
// </auto-generated>

[assembly:  System.Data.Mapping.EntityViewGenerationAttribute(typeof(Edm_EntityMappingGeneratedViews.ViewsForBaseEntitySets7F3AFE99A19115C1600A2D3407EFC3D1F36FBA78AF0470677E19E4A993E04F7B))]

namespace Edm_EntityMappingGeneratedViews

/// <Summary>
/// O tipo contém exibições para EntitySets e AssociationSets que foram gerados em tempo de design.
/// </Summary>
public sealed class ViewsForBaseEntitySets7F3AFE99A19115C1600A2D3407EFC3D1F36FBA78AF0470677E19E4A993E04F7B : System.Data.Mapping.EntityViewContainer

    /// <Summary>
    /// O construtor armazena as exibições para as extensões e também os valores de hash gerados com base nos metadados e no fechamento e nas exibições do mapeamento.
    /// </Summary>
    public ViewsForBaseEntitySets7F3AFE99A19115C1600A2D3407EFC3D1F36FBA78AF0470677E19E4A993E04F7B()
        this.EdmEntityContainerName = "Context";
        this.StoreEntityContainerName = "CodeFirstDatabase";
        this.HashOverMappingClosure = "edf2b152bf40e88b95f3411ab7b29fa2627c7224d571c8d9557eef38c0f29386";
        this.HashOverAllExtentViews = "10a3551ac384c60e8d31d44333d96794897a405b3f595947069bdd8f21e80060";
        this.ViewCount = 16;

    /// <Summary>
    /// O método retorna a exibição do índice fornecido.
    /// </Summary>
    protected override System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetViewAt(int index)
        if ((index == 0))
            return GetView0();
        if ((index == 1))
            return GetView1();
        if ((index == 2))
            return GetView2();
        if ((index == 3))
            return GetView3();
        if ((index == 4))
            return GetView4();
        if ((index == 5))
            return GetView5();
        if ((index == 6))
            return GetView6();
        if ((index == 7))
            return GetView7();
        if ((index == 8))
            return GetView8();
        if ((index == 9))
            return GetView9();
        if ((index == 10))
            return GetView10();
        if ((index == 11))
            return GetView11();
        if ((index == 12))
            return GetView12();
        if ((index == 13))
            return GetView13();
        if ((index == 14))
            return GetView14();
        if ((index == 15))
            return GetView15();
        throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException();

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.Invoice
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView0()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.Invoice", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Invoice
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Invoice](T1.Invoice_Id, T1.Invoice_Code, T1.Invoice_Date, T1.Invoice_Value, T1.Invoice_Discount)
        T.Id AS Invoice_Id, 
        T.Code AS Invoice_Code, 
        T.Date AS Invoice_Date, 
        T.[Value] AS Invoice_Value, 
        T.Discount AS Invoice_Discount, 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.Invoices AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.Voucher
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView1()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.Voucher", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Voucher
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Voucher](T1.Voucher_Id, T1.Voucher_Code, T1.Voucher_Purpose, T1.Voucher_Date, T1.Voucher_Value, T1.Voucher_AdjustedValue, T1.Voucher_Status, T1.Voucher_Note, T1.[Voucher.Employee_Id], T1.[Voucher.Request_Id], T1.[Voucher.Unit_Id], T1.[Voucher.ResultCenter_Id], T1.[Voucher.Invoice_Id])
        T.Id AS Voucher_Id, 
        T.Code AS Voucher_Code, 
        T.Purpose AS Voucher_Purpose, 
        T.Date AS Voucher_Date, 
        T.[Value] AS Voucher_Value, 
        T.AdjustedValue AS Voucher_AdjustedValue, 
        T.Status AS Voucher_Status, 
        T.Note AS Voucher_Note, 
        T.Employee_Id AS [Voucher.Employee_Id], 
        T.Request_Id AS [Voucher.Request_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [Voucher.Unit_Id], 
        T.ResultCenter_Id AS [Voucher.ResultCenter_Id], 
        T.Invoice_Id AS [Voucher.Invoice_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.Vouchers AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.Employee
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView2()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.Employee", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Employee
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Employee](T1.Employee_Id, T1.Employee_Name, T1.Employee_Active)
        T.Id AS Employee_Id, 
        T.Name AS Employee_Name, 
        T.Active AS Employee_Active, 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.Employees AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.Request
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView3()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.Request", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Request
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Request](T1.Request_Id, T1.Request_Date, T1.Request_Justification, T1.Request_Note, T1.Request_Processed, T1.[Request.Employee_Id])
        T.Id AS Request_Id, 
        T.Date AS Request_Date, 
        T.Justification AS Request_Justification, 
        T.Note AS Request_Note, 
        T.Processed AS Request_Processed, 
        T.Employee_Id AS [Request.Employee_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.Requests AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.RequestHistory
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView4()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.RequestHistory", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing RequestHistory
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.RequestHistory](T1.RequestHistory_Id, T1.RequestHistory_Date, T1.[RequestHistory.Request_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.Item_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.Employee_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.Unit_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.ResultCenter_Id])
        T.Id AS RequestHistory_Id, 
        T.Date AS RequestHistory_Date, 
        T.Request_Id AS [RequestHistory.Request_Id], 
        T.Item_Id AS [RequestHistory.Item_Id], 
        T.Employee_Id AS [RequestHistory.Employee_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [RequestHistory.Unit_Id], 
        T.ResultCenter_Id AS [RequestHistory.ResultCenter_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.RequestHistories AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.Unit
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView5()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.Unit", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Unit
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Unit](T1.Unit_Id, T1.Unit_Code, T1.Unit_Name, T1.Unit_Manager, T1.Unit_Description, T1.Unit_Year, T1.Unit_Level, T1.Unit_Type, T1.[Unit.Parent_Id])
        T.Id AS Unit_Id, 
        T.Code AS Unit_Code, 
        T.Name AS Unit_Name, 
        T.Manager AS Unit_Manager, 
        T.Description AS Unit_Description, 
        T.Year AS Unit_Year, 
        T.Level AS Unit_Level, 
        T.Type AS Unit_Type, 
        T.Parent_Id AS [Unit.Parent_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.Units AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.ResultCenter
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView6()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.ResultCenter", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing ResultCenter
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.ResultCenter](T1.ResultCenter_Id, T1.ResultCenter_Code, T1.ResultCenter_Name, T1.ResultCenter_Description, T1.ResultCenter_Year, T1.ResultCenter_Level, T1.ResultCenter_Type, T1.ResultCenter_Usage, T1.ResultCenter_StartDate, T1.ResultCenter_ExpirationDate, T1.ResultCenter_Active, T1.[ResultCenter.Parent_Id], T1.[ResultCenter.Unit_Id])
        T.Id AS ResultCenter_Id, 
        T.Code AS ResultCenter_Code, 
        T.Name AS ResultCenter_Name, 
        T.Description AS ResultCenter_Description, 
        T.Year AS ResultCenter_Year, 
        T.Level AS ResultCenter_Level, 
        T.Type AS ResultCenter_Type, 
        T.Usage AS ResultCenter_Usage, 
        T.StartDate AS ResultCenter_StartDate, 
        T.ExpirationDate AS ResultCenter_ExpirationDate, 
        T.Active AS ResultCenter_Active, 
        T.Parent_Id AS [ResultCenter.Parent_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [ResultCenter.Unit_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.ResultCenters AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para CodeFirstDatabase.RequestItem
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView7()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("CodeFirstDatabase.RequestItem", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing RequestItem
    [CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.RequestItem](T1.RequestItem_Id, T1.RequestItem_Date, T1.RequestItem_Data_Retorno, T1.RequestItem_Quantity, T1.[RequestItem.Employee_Id], T1.[RequestItem.Unit_Id], T1.[RequestItem.ResultCenter_Id], T1.[RequestItem.TaxiRequest_Id])
        T.Id AS RequestItem_Id, 
        T.Date AS RequestItem_Date, 
        T.Data_Retorno AS RequestItem_Data_Retorno,
        T.Quantity AS RequestItem_Quantity, 
        T.Employee_Id AS [RequestItem.Employee_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [RequestItem.Unit_Id], 
        T.ResultCenter_Id AS [RequestItem.ResultCenter_Id], 
        T.TaxiRequest_Id AS [RequestItem.TaxiRequest_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM Context.RequestItems AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.Invoices
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView8()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.Invoices", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Invoices
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.Invoice](T1.Invoice_Id, T1.Invoice_Code, T1.Invoice_Date, T1.Invoice_Value, T1.Invoice_Discount)
        T.Id AS Invoice_Id, 
        T.Code AS Invoice_Code, 
        T.Date AS Invoice_Date, 
        T.[Value] AS Invoice_Value, 
        T.Discount AS Invoice_Discount, 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.Invoice AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.Vouchers
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView9()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.Vouchers", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Vouchers
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.Voucher](T1.Voucher_Id, T1.Voucher_Code, T1.Voucher_Purpose, T1.Voucher_Date, T1.Voucher_Value, T1.Voucher_AdjustedValue, T1.Voucher_Status, T1.Voucher_Note, T1.[Voucher.Employee_Id], T1.[Voucher.Request_Id], T1.[Voucher.Unit_Id], T1.[Voucher.ResultCenter_Id], T1.[Voucher.Invoice_Id])
        T.Id AS Voucher_Id, 
        T.Code AS Voucher_Code, 
        T.Purpose AS Voucher_Purpose, 
        T.Date AS Voucher_Date, 
        T.[Value] AS Voucher_Value, 
        T.AdjustedValue AS Voucher_AdjustedValue, 
        T.Status AS Voucher_Status, 
        T.Note AS Voucher_Note, 
        T.Employee_Id AS [Voucher.Employee_Id], 
        T.Request_Id AS [Voucher.Request_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [Voucher.Unit_Id], 
        T.ResultCenter_Id AS [Voucher.ResultCenter_Id], 
        T.Invoice_Id AS [Voucher.Invoice_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.Voucher AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.Employees
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView10()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.Employees", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Employees
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.Employee](T1.Employee_Id, T1.Employee_Name, T1.Employee_Active)
        T.Id AS Employee_Id, 
        T.Name AS Employee_Name, 
        T.Active AS Employee_Active, 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.Employee AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.Requests
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView11()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.Requests", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Requests
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.Request](T1.Request_Id, T1.Request_Date, T1.Request_Justification, T1.Request_Note, T1.Request_Processed, T1.[Request.Employee_Id])
        T.Id AS Request_Id, 
        T.Date AS Request_Date, 
        T.Justification AS Request_Justification, 
        T.Note AS Request_Note, 
        T.Processed AS Request_Processed, 
        T.Employee_Id AS [Request.Employee_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.Request AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.RequestHistories
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView12()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.RequestHistories", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing RequestHistories
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.RequestHistory](T1.RequestHistory_Id, T1.RequestHistory_Date, T1.[RequestHistory.Request_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.Item_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.Employee_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.Unit_Id], T1.[RequestHistory.ResultCenter_Id])
        T.Id AS RequestHistory_Id, 
        T.Date AS RequestHistory_Date, 
        T.Request_Id AS [RequestHistory.Request_Id], 
        T.Item_Id AS [RequestHistory.Item_Id], 
        T.Employee_Id AS [RequestHistory.Employee_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [RequestHistory.Unit_Id], 
        T.ResultCenter_Id AS [RequestHistory.ResultCenter_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.RequestHistory AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.Units
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView13()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.Units", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing Units
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.Unit](T1.Unit_Id, T1.Unit_Code, T1.Unit_Name, T1.Unit_Manager, T1.Unit_Description, T1.Unit_Year, T1.Unit_Level, T1.Unit_Type, T1.[Unit.Parent_Id])
        T.Id AS Unit_Id, 
        T.Code AS Unit_Code, 
        T.Name AS Unit_Name, 
        T.Manager AS Unit_Manager, 
        T.Description AS Unit_Description, 
        T.Year AS Unit_Year, 
        T.Level AS Unit_Level, 
        T.Type AS Unit_Type, 
        T.Parent_Id AS [Unit.Parent_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.Unit AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.ResultCenters
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView14()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.ResultCenters", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing ResultCenters
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.ResultCenter](T1.ResultCenter_Id, T1.ResultCenter_Code, T1.ResultCenter_Name, T1.ResultCenter_Description, T1.ResultCenter_Year, T1.ResultCenter_Level, T1.ResultCenter_Type, T1.ResultCenter_Usage, T1.ResultCenter_StartDate, T1.ResultCenter_ExpirationDate, T1.ResultCenter_Active, T1.[ResultCenter.Parent_Id], T1.[ResultCenter.Unit_Id])
        T.Id AS ResultCenter_Id, 
        T.Code AS ResultCenter_Code, 
        T.Name AS ResultCenter_Name, 
        T.Description AS ResultCenter_Description, 
        T.Year AS ResultCenter_Year, 
        T.Level AS ResultCenter_Level, 
        T.Type AS ResultCenter_Type, 
        T.Usage AS ResultCenter_Usage, 
        T.StartDate AS ResultCenter_StartDate, 
        T.ExpirationDate AS ResultCenter_ExpirationDate, 
        T.Active AS ResultCenter_Active, 
        T.Parent_Id AS [ResultCenter.Parent_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [ResultCenter.Unit_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.ResultCenter AS T
) AS T1");

    /// <Summary>
    /// exibição de retorno para Context.RequestItems
    /// </Summary>
    private System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> GetView15()
        return new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>("Context.RequestItems", @"
SELECT VALUE -- Constructing RequestItems
    [GAWeb.VoucherRequests.Model.DAL.RequestItem](T1.RequestItem_Id, T1.RequestItem_Date, T1.RequestItem_Data_Retorno,T1.RequestItem_Quantity, T1.[RequestItem.Employee_Id], T1.[RequestItem.Unit_Id], T1.[RequestItem.ResultCenter_Id], T1.[RequestItem.TaxiRequest_Id])
        T.Id AS RequestItem_Id, 
        T.Date AS RequestItem_Date, 
        T.Data_Retorno AS RequestItem_Data_Retorno,
        T.Quantity AS RequestItem_Quantity, 
        T.Employee_Id AS [RequestItem.Employee_Id], 
        T.Unit_Id AS [RequestItem.Unit_Id], 
        T.ResultCenter_Id AS [RequestItem.ResultCenter_Id], 
        T.TaxiRequest_Id AS [RequestItem.TaxiRequest_Id], 
        True AS _from0
    FROM CodeFirstDatabase.RequestItem AS T
) AS T1");


asked by anonymous 22.08.2014 / 21:18

1 answer


If it is Code First , it is wrong for you to change the bank manually.

What is correct to do is:

  • Add the column directly in the Model ;
  • Generate a Migration through the Package Manager Console : Within your Visual Studio, go to View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console :

    Add-Migration MinhaMigrationDeAtualizacao
  • Update the database after you have generated the Migration in the Package Manager Console :

  • If the project uses automatic migrations, step 2 is optional.

    To see if your project uses automatic migrations, see the constructor of class Configuration in your Migrations\Configuration.cs file, which should look something like this:

    namespace GAWeb.WebApp.Migrations
        using System;
        using System.Data.Entity;
        using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
        using System.Linq;
        // coloque aqui um using para o namespace onde está sua classe Context.
        internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<Context>
            public Configuration()
                AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
                AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
            protected override void Seed(Context context)
                  /* This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
                  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method 
                  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
                      p => p.FullName,
                      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
                      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
                      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
                    ); */


    This response required a lot of application, so some steps can be taken to save time.

    • Verify that the context has a Views file attached to it. This is an old approach to the Entity Framework, which has no longer been used since version 4. This file must be removed to work properly with the Migrations approach.
    • Verify that your project does or does not use EDMX files. If you use, possibly this file has to be unlinked in Model files. This link explains how to do this .
    22.08.2014 / 21:23