Is it possible to create and remove .properties files from Android, by the application itself?


Is it possible to create and remove .properties files from Android , by the application itself? Ex: after creating an annotation it creates a .properties file with the name of that annotation!

asked by anonymous 18.06.2014 / 19:24

1 answer


Can not create files from the application. You can however interact with an existing file. For this purpose you should:

  • Create in your project, in the desired place the file that you will use from the application.

  • After the file you created, you can use a function like the one below to save data in it:

    public void CreatePropertiesFile(Context context) {
      Properties prop = new Properties();
      String propertiesPath = context.getFilesDir().getPath().toString() + "/";
      try {
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propertiesPath);
        prop.setProperty("HomeVersion", "0");
        prop.setProperty("DatePlaySquare", "0");
        prop.setProperty("CustomerID", "0");
        prop.setProperty("DeviceToken", "0");
        prop.setProperty("CurrentVersionMobile", "0");
        prop.setProperty("Domain", "Megazy");
        prop.setProperty("DownloadNewVersion","0");, null);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Failed to open file");

    You should adapt the function to your needs, but you already have an idea of how you can perform the operation.

  • This is just an example taken from this answer in SOEN by using @ user3113670.

    Another good example can be found in this answer also in SOEN by the user @Javanator.


    On Android, when we talk about saving data, we're almost always talking about Data Storage more specifically Shared Preferences . There is a very good tutorial on this:

    Android Essentials: Application Preferences (English)

    Credits of this information for the user @Rajesh in this answer in the SOEN that evidenced the links to the documentation and tutorial.

    18.06.2014 / 23:28