<asp:TextBox ID="txtDescricao" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="5"
Width="100%" Height="100%"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator SetFocusOnError="True" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtDescricao" ValidationGroup="SalvarNoticia">
<ajaxtoolkit:HtmlEditorExtender runat="server" ID="heeDescricao"
TargetControlID="txtDescricao" DisplaySourceTab="true" EnableSanitization="false"
<ajaxtoolkit:InsertImage />
On another page I separated a HtmlEditorExtender
to demonstrate the content of the text.
So I did like this:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlDescricao" SkinID="PanelMain" runat="server" Height="70px">
<div id="txtDescricao" runat="server">
And in the Code-Behind of this demo page I return the text this way:
var obj = new Business.Texto().Obter(id);
if (obj != null)
txtDescricao.InnerHtml = obj.Descricao;
I'm using SQL Server and saved the content in a field of type text , and I load it to a property of type <div>
The screen renders the html code, not the image itself:
<div id="CPHConsultaBody_pnlDescricao"
class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"
<div id="CPHConsultaBody_txtDescricao">
How can I resolve this problem?