Problems with sql in access, incompatible data types


Test / error image:

I just want to fetch the data between one date and another, using:

WHERE FECMOV >= '2013-01-03'
AND FECMOV <= '2013-01-09';

But I already tried other date formats to query as yyyy/mm/dd , I tried to use only the date without the hours, and as in the image, I tried to use a specific date that I had already registered, but this error persecutes me. Is it possible that I have to change the structure of the table date?

asked by anonymous 02.06.2014 / 14:15

1 answer


I broke my head a little and was able to find the date format used by the access in the case of this bank, and it looks like this:



Date fields are understood by the access sql when the full date is entered between '#' (old kkk game), and the date format was set to MM/DD/YYYY .

NOTE: The database is in MDB (ACCESS 2002 format)

04.06.2014 / 13:44