How to make an x64 application connect to a 32bits ODBC driver?


I have an x64 application written in C # with .Net Framework 4 that needs to connect to the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver.

When using this driver with the application in x86 mode, this connection works normally. However when using the application in x64 mode it can not connect and displays the following error:


ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I would like to know how my x64 application can open a OdbcConnection connection using this driver.

Obs : I need to connect to this driver so that I do not need to use the TNS file configuration inside the client.

asked by anonymous 08.10.2014 / 13:51

1 answer


For access to a database, any application must use a client, OS, or database vendor. So if your application runs on 64 bits the client should be 64 bits too.

The solution is to install the Oracle driver for 64-bit.

It looks like there is a way for you to distribute an Oracle client next to your application. See this Oracle Instant Client link. There are some restrictions. The module size reaches 120 Mb and a packet must be distributed for each 32/64 bit platform.

08.10.2014 / 16:31