Is there any way to give the columns an automatic width?


I'm putting together a report via ItextSharp and I've read about how to assign specific widths to the PdfPTable columns, however I would like this width to be automatically assigned according to the content of the columns.

Any ideas?

asked by anonymous 19.02.2015 / 12:22

1 answer


Considering that the report is constructed from an array containing the contents of the table, and a vector containing its header, then just use this method to get the vector with the appropriate sizes of the columns.

Public Function getColsize(ByVal Dados(,) As String, ByVal Header As String(), ByVal FtCalculo As Font)
    Dim L As Integer
    Dim C As Integer
    Dim nLin As Integer
    Dim nCol As Integer
    Dim Colsize() As Integer
    Dim chk As Chunk

    nCol = Dados.GetUpperBound(1)
    nLin = Dados.GetUpperBound(0)

    ReDim Colsize(nCol)

    Dim B As BaseFont = FtCalculo.GetCalculatedBaseFont(False)

    For C = 0 To nCol
        'chk = New Chunk(Header(C).ToUpper, Ft2)
        'Colsize(C) = Math.Ceiling(chk.GetWidthPoint)
        Colsize(C) = Math.Ceiling(B.GetWidthPoint(Header(C).ToUpper, FtCalculo.Size)) + 2
    Next C

    For C = 0 To nCol
        For L = 0 To nLin
            chk = New Chunk(Dados(L, C), FtCalculo)
            If Colsize(C) < (Math.Ceiling(chk.GetWidthPoint) + 2) Then
                Colsize(C) = (Math.Ceiling(chk.GetWidthPoint) + 2)
            End If
        Next L
    Next C

    Return Colsize

End Function
19.02.2015 / 19:59