I'm implementing validationBean in my project, and I'm having a hard time validating a field, but apparently everything is fine in the settings I made in my project as you can see:
Look at the field in my entity:
@Column(precision = 10, scale = 2, nullable = false)
private BigDecimal valorImovel;
And see how it is on my page:
<ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/template/LayoutPadrao.xhtml"
<ui:define name="titulo">Novo produto</ui:define>
<ui:define name="corpo">
<h1>Novo produto</h1>
<p:messages autoUpdate="true" closable="true" />
<p:toolbar style="margin-top: 20px">
<p:button value="Novo" />
<p:commandButton value="Salvar" id="botaoSalvar" />
<p:toolbarGroup align="right">
<p:button value="Pesquisa" />
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="painel"
style="width: 100%; margin-top: 20px" columnClasses="rotulo, campo">
<p:outputLabel value="Nome do Imóvel" for="imovel" />
<p:inputText id="imovel" size="20" maxlength="20" />
<p:outputLabel value="Descrição do Imóvel" for="descimovel" />
<p:inputText id="descimovel" size="60" maxlength="80" />
<p:outputLabel value="Categoria" for="categoria" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="categoria">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione a categoria" />
<p:outputLabel value="Subcategoria" for="subCategoria" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="subCategoria">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione a subcategoria" />
<p:outputLabel value="Valor unitário" for="valorUnitario" />
<p:inputText id="valorUnitario" size="10" maxlength="10"
value="#{cadastroImovelBean.imovel.valorImovel}" />
This is the piece of code that interests me:
<p:outputLabel value="Valor unitário" for="valorUnitario" />
<p:inputText id="valorUnitario" size="10" maxlength="10"
value="#{cadastroImovelBean.imovel.valorImovel}" />
Why did not you validate my field?