How to customize the Auto_Increment numbering in MySQL?


I have a Contrato column in my MySQL database, it is as Auto_Increment, numbering the contracts as 1 , 2 , 3 in> ... But I needed, if possible, to organize these numbers in the actual format of contract numbers.

It works like this, Ex.:

  • Customer Ana, Contract: 22010-2015
  • Tony Customer, Contract 22020-2015

That is, increase by 10% the class 22000 and remain% -2015

Is it possible?

Even if you have to disable Auto_Increment and put php code in the registration area?

asked by anonymous 28.02.2015 / 20:37

1 answer


You will have to do three things:

  • Create a table to store the last contract number.
  • Create a trigger to ensure that each insertion is used in the sequence number
  • Create a function that calculates the next contract number based on the defined rules and the number found in the table quoted above.
  • No doubt you can not use AUTO INCREMENT of MySQL.

    Something like this:

    CREATE TABLE sequencia_contrato (
        sequencial INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
        ano INT


    CREATE TRIGGER numero_contrato BEFORE INSERT ON contrato
    FOR each ROW
       SET NEW.contrato = PegaNumeroContrato();


    Well, later I go back and try to put something in, but basically it will have to value the table above, add 10 if I understood that this is what you want. And catch the current year. If the current year is greater than the year recorded in the sequence control table, the year there should be updated for the current year and the sequence should be reset . Maybe that's not exactly what you want.

        //precisa melhorar ainda, falta tratar o ano, por exemplo
        DECLARE ultimo_valor INT;
        SET ultimo_valor = (SELECT sequencial FROM sequencia_contrato);
        SET ultimo_valor = ultimo_valor + 1;
        UPDATE sequencia_contrato SET sequencial = ultimo_valor;
        SET @resultado = (SELECT concat(lpad(ultimo_valor, 5, '0'), '-', CAST((SELECT ano FROM sequencia_contrato) AS CHAR(4))));
        RETURN @resultado;
    28.02.2015 / 21:19