Error 502: Bad Gateway - How to solve


What's happening

From yesterday morning, in a certain part of the site, in the user registry to be more accurate, many times when trying to do so, nginx returns the message of 502 - Bad Gateway . What can generate this? No site code was modified in this part of the user and it started to appear.

NOTE: The system is in Django , and static pages served by Nginx .

asked by anonymous 08.01.2016 / 15:17

1 answer


Dude, one of them studied in status code. It sounds like a joke, but the minimum of knowledge in status code will help you a lot in several things. It has a lot of developer who does not know what a 303, 401, 409, 502 among several others.

It's a basic knowledge that every developer should know.


502 indicates that there is some configuration on the server that meets this request is wrong.

10.01.2016 / 03:50