Good afternoon, someone can get some hint for an exercise in which it is necessary to go through an array and if it finds a certain value, delete it from the array, this in assembly. Any tips?
Good afternoon, someone can get some hint for an exercise in which it is necessary to go through an array and if it finds a certain value, delete it from the array, this in assembly. Any tips?
I do not understand much about assembly but it can be done like this:
str1 Array 1,2,4,7,67,99,100,323,421,10
call Deletar
call Crlf
call Crlf
call esperarMsg
Deletar Proc
mov esi, offset str1
mov ecx, 10
mov eax, [esi]
call WriteDec
mov eax, " "
call WriteChar
add esi, 4
loop PrintArray
Deletar endp