I am using the basic means of uploading files, since extension validation is done in isolation. Our server is limited to files up to 100MB, but when testing, some files will usually, but a file with 51MB will not. It does not give error, only the page of a reload and does not send. The code is as follows:
$arquivoNome = $_FILES['Arquivos']['name'];
$arquivoTemp = $_FILES['Arquivos']['tmp_name'];
list($arquivo, $extensao) = explode(".",$arquivoNome);
$codificar = md5(date('h:i').$arquivo).".".$extensao;
$dirArquivo = "uploads/pdf/";
$upArquivo = $dirArquivo . basename($codificar);
if(move_uploaded_file($arquivoTemp, $upArquivo)){
// Aqui cadastro no banco
Very strange, because the files are of the same PDF extension, what differentiates it is the size. Files with 20MB for example go, but the 50MB will not ...