Xamarin.forms configuration


Good morning! I'm trying to build a Xamarin Forms application on a windows 8.1 When I installed xamarin and try to start a project, it asks me to add MAC .

Is it necessary to add it? and if so, do I need to create a virtual machine to run mac ? Because I do not have one.

asked by anonymous 14.08.2016 / 23:20

1 answer


When creating a project type Xamarin Forms , 3 projects are automatically created for three iOS, Android, WP .

If you intend to create only a WP application, it is not advantageous to use this platform, better to develop a native application.

Now if you want your application to work for devices Android and WP simply ignore the message regarding MAC (É necessário ter um MAC ,ou uma máquina virtual, para desenvolver para iOS) you can even disable or remove the project for the iOS platform.

27.08.2016 / 23:50