My command system, when trying to merge tables, I use EntityManager.merge, however the following error occurs: EntityManager is closed.
Here is one of the functions in my code that causes this error:
public boolean trocar_Mesa(BigDecimal origem, BigDecimal destino,String usuario) {
ok = true;
mensagem = "";
Tab_Log_Troca_Mesa oMesa = null;
Tab_Mesas oMesaOri = null;
Tab_Mesas oMesaDest = null;
Calendar hoje = Calendar.getInstance();
DateTime agora = new DateTime();
EntityManager em = JPAUtil.getEntityManager();
try {
for (Tab_Comanda oComanda : (new Tab_ComandaDao())
.listar_ComandasMesas(origem)) {
public List<Tab_Comanda> listar_ComandasMesas(BigDecimal mesa)
List<Tab_Comanda> oLista = null;
ok = true;
mensagem = "";
String sql =
"select * from TAB_COMANDAS where NUMERO_MESA = :pNumeroMesa";
EntityManager em = JPAUtil.getEntityManager();;
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql, Tab_Comanda.class);
query.setParameter("pNumeroMesa", mesa);
oLista = query.getResultList();
catch (Exception ex)
ok = false;
mensagem = ex.getMessage();
if (em.isOpen()){
return oLista;
I did not find any forum that could help me and I'm starting now in JavaWEB, has anyone ever encountered this problem and / or know how to solve it?
Thank you in advance.