Apparently global variable does not store the result of the entire mysqli_query [closed]


I'm having trouble trying to pass the result of mysqli_query to globals because I can only print on the screen the data in the first row of the table. Here is the code:


function of class responsible for select:

public function select($dataset_name,$entire = True){

    $table = $this->get_table();
    $db_connection = $this->get_db_connection();

    if ($entire == True) {
       $GLOBALS[$dataset_name] = mysqli_query($db_connection,"SELECT * FROM {$table}");
    }else {
      $array = func_get_args();
      unset($array [0]);
      unset($array [1]);
      $columns = implode(",", $array);
      $GLOBALS[$dataset_name] = mysqli_query($db_connection,"SELECT {$columns} FROM {$table}");

function responsible for printing the result (PS: It is unfinished, since it is not necessary to format the data in a table)

function list_dataset($dataset_name){
  $num_columns = mysqli_field_count($GLOBALS['connection']) - 1;
  $count = 0;

   while ($array = mysqli_fetch_array($GLOBALS[$dataset_name])) {

    while ($count <= $num_columns ) {
           echo $array[$count].'</br>';

      $count = $count + 1;



The result of entering% with% before   function print_r(array_keys($GLOBALS)); exit; is:

 Array ( [0] => _GET [1] => _POST [2] => _COOKIE [3] => _FILES [4] => GLOBALS [5] => db_connection [6] => db_action [7] => mysqli [8] => connection [9] => con [10] => teste [11] => select )

More information:

  • mysqli_fetch_array() and $GLOBALS['connection'] coincide, since only a connection was made.
  • The function $GLOBALS[$dataset_name] has to fit any list_dataset() , otherwise it loses its meaning completely.

  • I call functions like this:

  $db_connection = new db_connection;
  $db_action = new db_action;


Doubt: What am I doing wrong? Am I putting any part of the code in the wrong place?

asked by anonymous 19.09.2016 / 01:27

1 answer


There are many things wrong, but I will refrain from commenting on points outside the main objective of the question. So let's get right to the point.

The function list_dataset() , modify this way:

function list_dataset($dataset_name){
    Note o segundo parâmetro. Defini como MYSQLI_ASSOC. Se preferir, modifique para MYSQLI_NUM. A diferença é que MYSQLI_ASSOC retorna um array associativo, ou seja, a chave de cada array será o nome da coluna da tabela. Com MYSQLI_NUM, os nomes das chaves serão numéricas.


    while ($data = mysqli_fetch_array($GLOBALS[$dataset_name], MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
        id e parent_id são os nomes das colunas da tabela usada para teste.
        modifique para os nomes das colunas da sua tabela 
        echo $data['id'].' - '.$data['parent_id'].'<br>';

That's enough to go on.

If you want something clearer, see a full test:

class Foo {
    public function get_db_connection(){
        return new mysqli('localhost', "root", '', 'test');
    public function select($dataset_name,$entire = True){

    $table = 'foo'; // "foo" é nome da tabela que usei para teste. Se quiser pode continuar usando o $table = $this->get_table(); conforme está originalmente.

    $db_connection = $this->get_db_connection();

    if ($entire == True) {
       $GLOBALS[$dataset_name] = mysqli_query($db_connection,"SELECT * FROM {$table}");
    }else {
      $array = func_get_args();
      unset($array [0]);
      unset($array [1]);
      $columns = implode(",", $array);
      $GLOBALS[$dataset_name] = mysqli_query($db_connection,"SELECT {$columns} FROM {$table}");


function list_dataset($dataset_name){
    $GLOBALS[$dataset_name]->num_rows retorna a quantidade de registros encontrados.
    Toda aquela doidera com $count é desnecessária e era a causa principal do problema.
    if ($GLOBALS[$dataset_name]->num_rows > 0) {
        while ($data = mysqli_fetch_array($GLOBALS[$dataset_name], MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
            id e parent_id são os nomes das colunas da tabela usada para teste.
            modifique para os nomes das colunas da sua tabela 
            echo $data['id'].' - '.$data['parent_id'].'<br>';
    } else {
        echo 'nada encontrado';

$c = new Foo();
$c->select('connection', true);

The table I used for testing:

  'id' int(1) NOT NULL,
  'parent_id' int(1) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ('id')

INSERT INTO 'foo' VALUES ('1', '0'), ('2', '1'), ('3', '1'), ('4', '1');
19.09.2016 / 05:57