I'm trying to show in google maps api v3 polylines that are stored in my database
Here is the connection to the conf.inc.php database:
$link= mysqli_connect(HOST,USER,PASS,DBSA) OR die('ERROR!');
I get the data from my database in this way:
<?php require '_app/conf.inc.php';
//fazendo a consulta na base de dados'
$Qrcreate = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE. "";
$create = mysqli_query($link,$Qrcreate);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($create)) {
vector[] = $row;
echo json_encode($vector);
My output looks like this:
My problem is that I do not know how to enter this data in the varial (example):
var flightPlanCoordinates =[
{lat:16.88746121, lng:-24.98925626},
{lat:16.8883595, lng:-24.98959154},]
I know I need to loop but I do not know how. I've seen similar post but could not do it, any help please.