Good afternoon people!
When saving a new contract readjustment I have to search for other "similar" contracts to what I'm re-adjusting and readjust them as well.
So I was trying to use a callback ( saveAfter
) after saving the first reset in order to reset the others. The problem is that as the first reset has not yet been committed when I try to save the others the following error occurs:
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object is an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before merging: [...]
How do I commit all records at once? Here is the code part about the problem:
protected Reajuste saveOrUpdateAfter(Reajuste entity,
Reajuste mergedEntity, Object... list) throws ApplicationException {
if (entity.getReajustarVinculados().equalsIgnoreCase("S"))
return super.saveOrUpdateAfter(entity, mergedEntity, list);
public Integer reajustarContratosVinculados(Reajuste reajusteOrigem)
throws ApplicationException {
List<Contrato> contratos = contratoBO
.findListByCriteria(Restrictions.eq("cliente", cliente));
for (Contrato contrato : contratos) {
if (contrato.getPlano().equals(
reajusteOrigem.getContrato().getPlano())) {
Reajuste r = new Reajuste();
mergeEntity(r); // Nesta linha ocorre o erro
return num;