Failed to restart Firebird with PHP


I have a virtual server with Linux-Debian operating system, the same is configured as Nginx Web server and Firebird database. I have a script that performs a Firebird restart routine and runs it when a crash occurs. My script, which is located at: '/scripts/' I can usually run it via SSH. There was a need to put the script to run through a request through a PHP script. The command used is:

$output = shell_exec("/scripts/");
echo $output;

When I run, I get the message:


Stopping Firebird 2.5 superclassic server ... failed.

I checked the firebird log files located in '/ var / log' but this error is not being logged.

Script content sh:


service firebird2.5-superclassic restart

asked by anonymous 30.12.2016 / 19:27

1 answer


The simplest way to run a script the way you need it is by using visudo . But see this is just one way, I suggest you better understand how permissions work on Linux, and using visudo incorrectly can cause security issues on your server.


It would be as below, will allow execution without asking for password:

www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /scripts/
30.12.2016 / 20:52