Comparison of an edttext with a SQLite Bank value


I am developing an android application but I do not know how to prevent the user from registering two equal times.


 String sql4 ="CREATE TABLE "+TABELAAGE+"("
                +IDAGE+ " integer primary key autoincrement,"
                +NOMECLIAGE+ " text not null,"
                +DATA+ " text not null,"
                +HORA+ " text not null,"
                +SERVICO+ " text not null,"
                        +VALOR+ " text not null"

I can not let the user book two equal times on the same date

asked by anonymous 05.12.2016 / 21:09

1 answer


For this, it is necessary to make an appointment!

This will return the ID (if any) object with the same DATA and HORA !

If there is no record, this method will return -1

    public Integer validarData(final String DATA, final String HORA){

        final SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase();
        final Cursor cursor = db.query(TABELAAGE, new String[]{"id"}, "DATA = ? AND HORA =?", new String[]{DATA, HORA}, null, null, null, null);
       //se nulo ou vazio não encontrou nenhum com a mesma data e hora, retorna -1
        if (null == cursor || !cursor.moveToFirst()) return -1;

        final Integer id = cursor.getInt(0);
        return id;

If you are changing the Object, make sure the ID returned is equal to the object ID.


  public void validar(){
        Integer idComDataEHora = validarData("01/12/2016", "17:18:19");
            // não exite nenhum registro
            /// Se vc está editando, verifique se o id é igual ao que está editando!


05.12.2016 / 21:28