Popular a select generated by javascript


I am copying fields from a form with javascript, but in this form two input are select and option are generated from the result of a query . When copies are created, query does not run, so select comes with no options to be selected.


                            How was it paid?


                        $sql="SELECT 'tpid', 'descricao' FROM 'tp_pagto'";
                        $query = $mysqli->query($sql);

                        <option value="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"><?php echo $row[1];?></option>

                    <?php }?>


    var next = 1;
        var addto = "#outra_dcentro" + next;
        var addRemove = "#outra_dcentro" + (next);
        next = next + 1;
        var newIn = '<input autocomplete="off" class="input form-control" id="outra_ddec' + next + '" name="outra_ddec' + next + '" type="text" placeholder="Qual a despesa?" data-items="8"/><input autocomplete="off" class="input form-control" id="outra_dvalor' + next + '" name="outra_dvalor' + next + '" type="text" placeholder="Qual o valor?" data-items="8"/><select class="form-control" id="outra_dpago' + next + '" name="outra_dpago' + next + '"><option disabled selected>Esta pago?</option><option value="nao">Não</option><option value="sim">Sim</option></select><select class="form-control" id="outra_dtppago' + next + '" name="outra_dtppago' + next + '"><option disabled selected>Como foi pago?</option><?php $sql="SELECT 'tpid', 'descricao' FROM 'tp_pagto'"; $query = $mysqli->query($sql); while($row=mysqli_fetch_row($query)) {?> <option value="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"><?php echo $row[1];?></option><?php }?></select><input autocomplete="off" class="input form-control" id="outra_dnf' + next + '" name="outra_dnf' + next + '" type="text" placeholder="Numero da NF" data-items="8"/><input autocomplete="off" class="input form-control" id="outra_dforn' + next + '" name="outra_dforn' + next + '" type="text" placeholder="Fornecedor?" data-items="8"/><select class="form-control" id="outra_dcentro' + next + '" name="outra_dcentro' + next + '"><option disabled selected>Selecione o centro de custo</option><?php $sql="SELECT 'centroid', 'descricao' FROM 'centro'";$query = $mysqli->query($sql);while($row=mysqli_fetch_row($query)){?><option value="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"><?php echo $row[1];?></option><?php }?>';
        var newInput = $(newIn);
        var removeBtn = '<button id="remove' + (next - 1) + '" class="btn btn-danger remove-me" >-</button></div><div id="field">';
        var removeButton = $(removeBtn);
        $("#outra_dcentro" + next).attr('data-source',$(addto).attr('data-source'));

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_ddec" + fieldNum;

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_dvalor" + fieldNum;

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_dpago" + fieldNum;

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_dtppago" + fieldNum;

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_dnf" + fieldNum;

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_dforn" + fieldNum;

                var fieldNum = this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1);
                var fieldID = "#outra_dcentro" + fieldNum;


Here in JS the% variable contains% all the code of the same inputs, including the select / option with the problem among others, NewIn is changed and then added the new fields.

I imagine that I can not run a query by javascript, but I can pass the php array containing the option values for JS? Or is there a more efficient way to do this?

asked by anonymous 23.02.2017 / 18:40

1 answer


Return the array as json in a php file

header('Content-Type: application/json');

$sql="SELECT 'tpid', 'descricao' FROM 'tp_pagto'";
$query = $mysqli->query($sql);

echo json_encode($query)

Receive the contents of this array by an ajax request and populate the select ( Jquery )

var select = $("#selectlistas"); 

    url: 'urldophp.php', 
    type: 'POST', 
    success: function(dados){ 
        $.each(dados, function(index, dado){ 
            var campo1 = dado.campo1; 
            var campo2= dado.campo2; 
            select.append($('<option>', {
                value: campo1, 
                text:  campo2 
23.02.2017 / 18:54