How do I access a list of objects within another object list? I can capture these objects quietly, but I'm having trouble capturing objects within this list. Here's my JSON:
InthiscaseIwanttohaveaccesstothevaluesthatarewithin"NOTES" and "FAULTS" but I am not having much success in this ...
Here is my code:
for item in resultado!{
let newDisc = DisciplinasML()
newDisc.codDisciplina = item["COD_DISCIPLINA"]! as? String
newDisc.desDisciplina = item["DES_DISCIPLINA"]! as? String
newDisc.desPeriodo = item["DES_PERIODO"]! as? String
newDisc.medDisciplina = item["MEDIA_DISCIPLINA"]! as? String
newDisc.nomProfessor = item["NOM_PESSOA_PROF"]! as? String
newDisc.perFaltas = item["PERCENTUAL_AULAS"]! as? String
//Eu acho que não seja assim que se capture o valor
for nota in (item["NOTAS"]! as! NSArray){
//nota has no subscription members
print(nota["COD_AVALIACAO"] as String)
//Adiciono os itens na lista
Any tips? Home Thanks for all the help