PhpMyAdmin has no connection whatsoever with accessing MySql through the APIs:
As I already explained in:
mysql is a server that works over TCP, but not over HTTP, in installations like Xampp and Wamp it is not directly connected to Apache or PHP, it is actually a totally separate database server that can be installed even on a different computer from the same network or an external network that is accessible and sits on a different port than HTTP.
It does not have folder navigation equal to the HTTP servers it stays on a different port, whereas Apache, Ngnix, Lighttpd are usually on ports like 80, 8000, 8080, 9000, since Mysql most often stays on port 3306 .
What was done in the Apache settings was to release PHPMYADMIN:
<Directory "C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Require all granted
ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
This means that you are accessing phpmyadmin from another computer, but it does not mean that you are accessing the TCP connection with the mysql server , as this has no relation to Apache.
How to free to access the mysql protocol of a different machine
Assuming it is the same network as Windows, then you should release the port in the Firewall of the machine where MySql-sever is located, then go to Window Firewall > Input Rules > New Rule ... (upper right corner) > Port , as in the image:
Itwillaskforanamefortherule,itismoreforyoutoguideandremoveordisabletherulewhenyouwant,type"MYSQL", the description can leave it blank, it should look like this:
(noteveryWindowssystemhasthisprogramorletsinstall,usually"Windows Pro" already has), a simple test in CMD would type this:
telnet 3306
The port and IP should be separated by spaces, as in the image:
Then press Enter, if you give any error message it is because something is wrong in your settings, so check:
In the firewall rules of the machine that configured the port if there is any other mysql rule that in this case should be blocking access
Verify that mysql-server is started