Instantiate class within the bootstrap / start.php file Laravel 4.2?


I have an application running Laravel 4.2 , I have a class that takes care of IP's in blacklist , and this is saved in the database.

I need when a user accesses my application the system validates if IP is in blacklist returns a 403 if it does not allow access. I'm trying to instantiate the BlackListIpController class inside the file bootstrap/start.php ( file that starts the application ), but without success.


$model = new app\controllers\BlackListIPsController;
if($model::where('ip', $model->getIp())->first()) {



[Fri Jun 9 09:19:18 2017] PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant   'app \ controllers \ BlackListIPsController' in   /home/user/projects/abc/bootstrap/start.php on line 16


[Fri Jun 9 09:36:53 2017] PHP Fatal error: Class   'app \ controllers \ BlackListIPsController' not found in   /home/user/projects/abc/bootstrap/start.php on line 16

asked by anonymous 09.06.2017 / 14:38

1 answer


Use the technique that is done for this which is Route Filters , example:

Open the file app\filters.php and create a filter name ipblock :

Route::filter('ipblock', function()
    // aqui você coloca a sua lógica se não passar só fiz uma 
    // cópia do que está na sua pergunta acho eu que está ainda
    // errado, mas, só corrigir a sua lógica.
    $model = new app\controllers\BlackListIPsController;
    if($model->where('ip', $model->getIp())->first()) {

After creating this filter you should enter app\routes.php and create a Route :: group with this filter, example:

Route::group(array('before' => 'ipblock'), function()
     // insira as rotas que seram verificadas e protegidas por
     // esse filtro, exemplo
     Route::get( ....


or if you want to individually:

Route::get('user', array('before' => 'ipblock', function()
    return '...';

Ready if it does not pass in the same filter as 403 as you wish.


To get the ip see link , example:


There is also a way to work with the events of your application or filters the application that is by the commands (in your case it is App::before , but added others as an example):

    //coloque a lógica aqui
App::after(function($request, $response)
    //coloque a lógica aqui
App::error(function(Exception $exception)
   //coloque a lógica aqui

which are also located in app\filters.php .

09.06.2017 / 15:05