Spinner with SQLite


Hello, good evening. In my project I have a spinner

    android:prompt="@string/categories_prompt" />

This spinner is responsible for adding the value in the CATEGORIE column in my database through the InsertProduct.class class. The categories that populate this spinner are as follows:

<string-array name="categories_array">
    <item>Café da Manhã</item>

I'm converting the value of spinner to String to insert in banco de dados as follows. ( I do not know if it's the right way. )

Spinner CATEGORIE = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spnCategorie);
String stringCATEGORIE = CATEGORIE.getSelectedItem().toString();

I have another class ( AlterProduct.class ) responsible for changing the values of the products, I would like the spinner of the class AlterProduct.class to return the category saved in the database of data.

Ex: My product was inserted into the database with the Frios category, when the user clicked to change the product, it would return the Frios value in spinner of the AlterProduct.class strong>

Giovani Rodrigo

asked by anonymous 05.04.2017 / 01:07

1 answer


I believe that what you need to do is to query the value in the database and set the item selected in the spinner, this can be done using the method setSelection(int position)

If you want to set the value for the text and not its position in the spinner options this link can help: link

05.04.2017 / 01:26