I was able to open a file and put it in a Jlabel on the machine where I'm developing. But when I put the application on the network the machine that is on the network, it does not find the file. Is it possible to get the file from a networked machine? My code is as follows and works perfectly on my machine I'm developing.
String figura = jtResultadoPesquisa.getValueAt(jtResultadoPesquisa.getSelectedRow(), 0).toString(); // quardo o nome do arquivo na figura
String caminho = new File("/home/Pictures/").getCanonicalPath(); // pego o diretorio onde esta o arquivo
ResultadoCaminhoFigura = caminho +"/"+ figura; // tenho o caminho com a figura
ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon (ResultadoCaminhoFigura); //crio uma instancia e coloco a figura e diretorio onde ela se localiza
img.setImage(img.getImage().getScaledInstance(300, 430, 100));
jlVisualisarimagem.setIcon(img); // e seto a figura em um jlabel para ser visualizada.
I've put the comments just to make it easier to understand. When I squeeze in my machine it works cool, but when I put the application on the network it does not bring the image. can anybody help me? Hugs to all.