VBA Rename all files that begin with "Rel"


Hello I need to generate a code that renames all files in a folder that start with "report" to "X-CT". The remainder of the filename, including the ".DOC .PDF. XLS" filing continued unchanged.

asked by anonymous 28.06.2017 / 22:42

1 answer


Maybe the code below will help you. Basically, it loops through the files of a directory and replaces, in the name of each file, the string of characters you want to replace with the new one.

Follow the code with the @Evert:

Sub changeFileName(ByVal srtExtencion as String)

Dim strFolder As String
Dim strFile As String

  strFolder = "C:\SomeFolder\"
  strFile = Dir(strFolder & "\*." & strExtension)
  Do While Len(strFile) > 0
    If InStr(strFile, "relat") > 0 Then
      Name strFolder & strFile As strFolder & Replace(strFile, "relat", "X-CT")
    End If
    strFile = Dir()

End Sub

Then call the function with the desired extension:

changeFileName doc
changeFileName pdf
changeFileName xls

Extract this solution from this forum alongside the user-submitted edition @ Evert

28.06.2017 / 22:51