I have a form and inside it a ReCaptcha, originating from Google.
<form method="post" id="form-ligamos">
<input class="fields text" type="text" name="empresa" value="<?php echo $_POST['empresa']?>" placeholder="Digite o nome da sua empresa">
<div class="captchaFix">
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="SECRET"></div>
<input class="btn-submit btn-submit-call" type="submit" name="fale" value="Solicitar ligação">
<input class="btn-submit btn-submit-callFixIphone" type="submit" name="fale" value="Me Ligue">
It's inside the div captchaFix as per code. How do I validate whether or not the user has clicked on it before the user went to submit ?