You have downloaded the incompatible / wrong client to use with this PHP dll, possibly the architecture of your PHP and Oracle client are different, for example php is 64bit and the client is 32bit.
Other possibilities:
- you have downloaded a wrong version client
- You did not install the client
- you downloaded an OCI.dll and put it in the same PHP folder (remove it if you did this "undo")
Regardless of what you did previously, undo (making the necessary backups before) and then first let's identify the architecture and some relevant data if you want to install an external extension, create a file called info.php and add this:
See the relevant information before installing the Oracle client (in this case only the architecture is relevant):

- Oracle64ibtClient: link
- Oracle 32ibt Client: link
Other customers:
Remove the client you already have installed and install what you downloaded.