Javax, @DefaultValues, @PrePersistent, @PreUpdate


I'm learning to tinker with Javax, and Java persistence and want to know if there's any way to leave a default value for the database.

Example in SQL:


How would I do this in my Model code?

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;

private int nota;

private Timestamp data;

private String comentario;

private Evento evento_id;

private Pessoa pessoa_id;

1) What is the difference between the following items? a) @DefaultValues b) @PrePersistent c) @PreUpdate

2) And which one would I use for this case? a) @DefaultValues b) @PrePersistent c) @PreUpdate

asked by anonymous 01.09.2017 / 22:16

1 answer


So I understand you are using JPA, in this case if you prefer to let the default value be generated by the bank use this:


This will only work if you let JPA create the tables, or export the table creation script.


1) What is the difference between the following items?



Callback is executed before the entity is persisted.



Callback is executed before the entity is updated.


2) And which one would I use for this case?

This will depend on the purpose of your column, for example:

  • If your DATA column to store the registration date would have to use @PrePersist ;

  • If your DATA column you have to store the update date you would have to use @PreUpdate ;

Please see in [hibernate] which is one of the JPA implementations: link

02.09.2017 / 06:03