Doubt to access this in prototype


I'm trying to access some variables within this (Object Orientation) using Object.prototype, but at some point I'm in doubt if I'm doing the right thing:

This is the main function:

function smartPlayer(){
    this.teste = "Esta tudo ok";


In this part everything is still ok:

smartPlayer.prototype.initPlayer = function(){
    var self = this;

    /* Event button play */
    playMusic.addEventListener("click", function(){
        if (self.trackCurrentInfo === undefined) {
            self.trackList = getDailyrMusic();
            self.trackCurrentList = 0;

        var track = self.trackList[self.trackCurrentList];
        smartPlayer.prototype._callTrack(self, track);

Notice that I can only access this, using self = this; This is the correct one, but when I call the smartPlayer.prototype._callTrack (self, track) function, I have to pass the self to still get access to this of the main function that is: smartPlayer (); .

Within this function I have the following:

smartPlayer.prototype._callTrack = function(self, array){
    /* set current Track infos */
    this.trackCurrentInfo = {
        "trackAlbumId": array.trackId,
        "trackMusic": array.trackName,
        "trackArtist": array.trackArtist,
        "trackAlbum": array.trackAlbum,
        "trackAlbumCover": array.trackCover,
        "trackCurrentTime": 0,
        "trackFullTime": array.trackDuration

    // update elements
    // console.log(this.trackCurrentInfo)
    trackMusic.innerHTML = self.trackCurrentInfo.trackMusic;
    trackArtist.innerHTML = self.trackCurrentInfo.trackArtist;
    trackAlbum.innetHTML = self.trackCurrentInfo.trackAlbum;


Would this be the correct way I could access this within smartPlayer ()? For in this way I will always have to pass the self on all the functions that are storing some value within this.

I encountered this problem every time anything goes through the functions (123).

asked by anonymous 12.08.2017 / 19:48

1 answer


The problem is generated by the nature of the addEventListener method. When it calls the callback you pass it the execution context changes (ie: this). You have several ways to resolve this:

  • using arrow functions
  • using .call , .apply , .bind
  • using ES6 classes


With arrow function:

smartPlayer.prototype.initPlayer = function(){

    /* Event button play */
    playMusic.addEventListener("click", () => { // <---- repara aqui!
        if (this.trackCurrentInfo === undefined) {
            this.trackList = getDailyrMusic();
            this.trackCurrentList = 0;

        var track = this.trackList[this.trackCurrentList];

With .bind :

smartPlayer.prototype.initPlayer = function(){
    var self = this;

    /* Event button play */
    playMusic.addEventListener("click", function(){
        if (this.trackCurrentInfo === undefined) {
            this.trackList = getDailyrMusic();
            this.trackCurrentList = 0;

        var track = this.trackList[this.trackCurrentList];
        this._callTrack(self, track);
    }.bind(this)); // <------ repara aqui!

Using ES6:

class smartPlayer {
  constructor() {
    /* Event button play */
    playMusic.addEventListener("click", this.playTrack.bind(this));
  playTrack(nr) {
    if (this.trackCurrentInfo === undefined) {
      this.trackList = this.getDailyrMusic();
      this.trackCurrentList = 0;

    var track = this.trackList[this.trackCurrentList];

  getDailyrMusic() {
    // algo...
  _callTrack(self, array) {
    /* set current Track infos */
    this.trackCurrentInfo = {
      "trackAlbumId": array.trackId,
      "trackMusic": array.trackName,
      "trackArtist": array.trackArtist,
      "trackAlbum": array.trackAlbum,
      "trackAlbumCover": array.trackCover,
      "trackCurrentTime": 0,
      "trackFullTime": array.trackDuration

    // update elements
    // console.log(this.trackCurrentInfo)
    trackMusic.innerHTML = this.trackCurrentInfo.trackMusic;
    trackArtist.innerHTML = this.trackCurrentInfo.trackArtist;
    trackAlbum.innetHTML = this.trackCurrentInfo.trackAlbum;
12.08.2017 / 20:49