Hello, I have already researched this error and I did not see any that fit my problem, so my problem is that I have two tables, I need to get some information from table B and insert it into the query next to table A, such as in table A I have item sales information, such as code, name, value, tax coupon and date of movement, in table B I have the same information but apart from all this I have tax information for each product, and I want a query result with the information in table A plus the tax information for each product in table B.
select * from itemvendageral
venda_id loja_id maquina_id dt_contabil st_tipovenda contador_item funcionario_id material_id pontovenda_id nu_praca func_cancela func_transfere nu_quantidade vl_preco func_lanca vl_precooriginal st_cancelado nu_motivocanc imprimiu bn_exportou dt_lanc func_autorizou hr_cancelamento bn_fechamento lote_id status dt_alt bn_baixaefetuada classe_id ticket_origem observacoes vl_servico_calculado vl_servico_informado localDeEntrega cancelado venda_origem api_key combo_id combo_obs indice codigo descricao local_producao item_id versao dispositivo_utilizado hr_lanc perfilimpressao_id classe_rodizio transferido valido desconto_id desconto_estrategia desconto_valor slot_indice arredondamento vl_tot
------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ----------------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------------ -------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------- ------------ ------------- -------- ----------- ----------------------- -------------- ----------------------- ------------- -------------------- ------ ----------------------- ---------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------- ----------- ------ ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------
9A46FAE5-AC6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 4 5 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 3 1 5 1000001402 0 0 NULL NULL 1.000 43.00 5 0.00 N NULL 1 NULL 2017-07-20 21:38:22.000 0 NULL NULL -1 -1 2017-07-20 21:38:27.470 0 NULL 4.3000 4.3000 NULL 0 0 0 1 894 FISH AND CHIPS 1 5DFF0992-EDA7-444F-B7D0-E2B2FBD90BA8 CAIXA1 21:38:22.0000000 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 43,00
9A46FAE5-AC6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 4 5 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 3 2 5 1000000291 0 0 NULL NULL 2.000 20.90 5 0.00 N NULL 1 NULL 2017-07-20 21:50:09.000 0 NULL NULL -1 -1 2017-07-20 21:50:47.617 0 NULL 4.1800 4.1800 NULL 0 0 0 2 1000000288 WITTE 600ML GF 2 5BCA5898-3919-4A66-8AB7-49351DC4906E CAIXA1 21:50:09.0000000 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 41,80
9A46FAE5-AC6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 4 5 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 3 3 5 1000001252 0 0 NULL NULL 3.000 20.90 5 0.00 N NULL 1 NULL 2017-07-20 21:50:27.000 0 NULL NULL -1 -1 2017-07-20 21:50:47.640 0 NULL 6.2700 6.2700 NULL 0 0 0 3 834 SESSION GF 600ML 2 62859FB4-DD2D-40B8-BAEF-893C588C605E CAIXA1 21:50:27.0000000 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 62,70
9A46FAE5-AC6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 4 5 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 3 4 5 1000000077 0 0 NULL NULL 1.000 17.90 5 0.00 N NULL 1 NULL 2017-07-20 21:50:44.000 0 NULL NULL -1 -1 2017-07-20 21:50:47.653 0 NULL 1.7900 1.7900 NULL 0 0 0 4 1000000075 X WALS GF 2 2CCA95C6-6C19-4F93-B235-FE66FFB794FC CAIXA1 21:50:44.0000000 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 17,90
9A46FAE5-AC6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 4 5 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 3 5 5 1000001078 0 0 NULL NULL 1.000 10.40 5 0.00 N NULL 1 NULL 2017-07-20 22:00:39.000 0 NULL NULL -1 -1 2017-07-20 22:00:41.403 0 NULL 1.0400 1.0400 NULL 0 0 0 5 6654 WALS VERANO 600ML 0 9B49FAEF-7F5F-405E-BC0B-457049F2E7F8 CAIXA1 22:00:39.0000000 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 10,40
9A46FAE5-AC6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 4 5 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 3 6 5 1000001269 0 0 NULL NULL 1.000 20.90 5 0.00 N NULL 1 NULL 2017-07-20 22:11:56.000 0 NULL NULL -1 -1 2017-07-20 22:12:02.630 0 NULL 2.0900 2.0900 NULL 0 0 0 6 849 VERANO GF 600ML 2 EF868F6C-AB86-4923-98FC-C92932467873 CAIXA1 22:11:56.0000000 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 20,90
125,000 lines
select * from fiscal.comprovantedetalhe
comprovante_id ordem codigo descricao qtd unidade valor aliquota cancelado dt_alt vl_unitario ecf_serie ecf_id ecf_coo ecf_ccf ecf_datahora base_icms cod_ncm prod_origem cfop cst_icms aliq_icms_iss cst_pis aliq_pis cst_cofins aliq_cofins reducao_bc_icms dt_mov cest codigo_servico item_lista_servico tipo_aliquota
------------------------------------ ----------- -------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ------- --------------------- -------- --------- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- -------- ---------------------- ------- ---------------------- ---------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------- ------- --------------- ------------------ -------------
A7C2E9C1-AD6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 1 10000000001025 BERLINER 300ML 2.0000 UN 27,80 T2500 0 2017-07-20 21:44:31.817 13,90 BE091710100011203048 1 5430 2918 2017-07-20 21:44:29.000 30,58 22030000 0 5102 00 25 02 1,69 02 7,69 0 2017-07-20 0000000 ICMS
A7C2E9C1-AD6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 2 810 FILET C FRITAS 1.0000 UN 61,00 T0840 0 2017-07-20 21:44:31.840 61,00 BE091710100011203048 1 5430 2918 2017-07-20 21:44:29.000 67,10 21069090 0 5101 00 8,4 01 1,65 01 7,6 0 2017-07-20 0000000 ICMS
81F1ADE1-AD6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 1 822 PALMITO PUPUNHA 1.0000 UN 25,00 T0840 0 2017-07-20 21:45:25.110 25,00 BE091710100011203048 1 5431 2919 2017-07-20 21:45:22.000 27,50 21069090 0 5101 00 8,4 01 1,65 01 7,6 0 2017-07-20 0000000 ICMS
81F1ADE1-AD6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 2 586 WITTE 300ML 1.0000 UN 10,90 T2500 0 2017-07-20 21:45:25.110 10,90 BE091710100011203048 1 5431 2919 2017-07-20 21:45:22.000 11,99 22030000 0 5102 00 25 02 1,69 02 7,69 0 2017-07-20 0000000 ICMS
81F1ADE1-AD6D-E711-8062-1C1B0DF049F3 3 906 DULCE LAMB 1.0000 UN 25,00 F1 0 2017-07-20 21:45:25.110 25,00 BE091710100011203048 1 5431 2919 2017-07-20 21:45:23.000 27,50 22072020 0 5405 60 0 01 1,65 01 7,6 0 2017-07-20 ICMS
75 thousand lines
select a.codigo,a.descricao,a.vl_preco,b.base_icms,b.aliq_icms_iss
from itemvendageral a
left join fiscal.comprovantedetalhe as b on a.codigo=b.codigo
codigo descricao vl_preco base_icms aliq_icms_iss
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 43,00 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 43,00 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 43,00 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
894 FISH AND CHIPS 43.00 47,30 8,4
With 15 seconds of command already had 780 thousand lines, it will generate half q infinite already left for more than 2 minutes, and does not finish rsrsrs
But the problem comes from there, when I make a select in table A it returns me 125,000 records, when I make a select in table B it returns me 75 thousand records, when I do the "join" (regardless of which one ) returns me more than 1M of records.