Update database with AJAX Switche button (Materialize)


I'm using the Materialize FrameWork, in it I have a switch (Switche) that switches between ON and OFF , just in html, I wanted to insert this into a database Mysql, all in real time, by pressing the button, it changes the value in the database, 0 for OFF for ON , when pressing the button, if no database is 0 change to 1, and see and versa, if in the database is 1, the button should remain on, ie symbolizing the ON ! (The button in the materialize I a checkbox, checked should be equal to ON )


  <div class="switch">
      <input type="checkbox">
      <span class="lever"></span>

In PHP I thought of something like this:

$valor = $_POST['Switche'];

if($valor == 1){
    $valor = 0;
    $valor = 1;

How can I do this and update on the real-time data pool?

asked by anonymous 24.12.2017 / 16:58

1 answer


You can submit form data to the server using api fetch ("native" ajax). The necessary code for this is this:

 <div class="switch">

      <input type="checkbox" id="escolha">
      <span class="lever"></span>

    var escolha = document.getElementById('escolha');
    escolha.addEventListener('change', function(){

    function atualizarSwitch(){
        var escolha = document.getElementById('escolha');
        var formulario = new FormData();

        var escolha_estado = 0;

        if(escolha.checked === true){
            escolha_estado = 1; 

        formulario.append('switch', escolha_estado);

        fetch("servidor.php", {
            method: "POST",
            body: formulario
        }).then(function(resposta) {
            return resposta.text();
        }).then(function(resposta) {

A onchange event is added to the checkbox, and then the tagged or unselected value is created, created a formdata object, and then sent to the url server.php using api fetch.

Now the server can be done this way ( server.php file ):

$valor = $_POST['switch'];

if($valor == 1){
    $valor = 0;
    $valor = 1;

echo $valor;

//quando construir a função chame descomente a linha abaixo

function salvarNoBanco($valor){
    $conexao = mysqli_connect('host', 'usuario', 'senha', 'nome_banco');
    $status = mysqli_query($conexao, 'UPDATE nome_tabela SET algum_campo = ' . $valor . ' WHERE algum_campo = alguma_valor_condicao');
    return $status;

For a reference to the mysqli_* functions refer to w3c .

24.12.2017 / 22:15