Theme that is used in the landing of the Atom IDE


As the Atom support staff takes a long time to respond, I wonder if the @Stackoverflow community knows the theme that is used in the Atom IDE landing page?


asked by anonymous 01.11.2017 / 03:35

2 answers


I checked directly in the application forum, and unfortunately the theme owner no longer works in the company. The company looks forward to returning, and soon thereafter, for projects like this theme, in action.

22.11.2017 / 14:51

There is a thema created with the same color definitions of the Atom site demo, it was created by a developer who also liked the color definitions but could not find because the main author did not work on Atom anymore.

The name of this thema is "atom-ide-dark-syntax" it is available at the link , to install click the Install button inside the page of the previous link.

After the Thema is installed, in the Atom IDE go to Settings then click Themes . In the UI Theme box select Atom Dark and "Syntax Theme" choose "Atom Ide Dark".

09.12.2018 / 16:00